
Dreams about being in school are common (among students and non-students alike). That one sees dreams about being in school doesn't actually mean they're going to start schooling soon.

    Even those who have graduated from college or the university and will never go to school also have dreams about being in school.

    We must understand that dreams are often symbolic. It is on rare occasions that dreaming about being in school do mean that one will soon start schooling in waking life.

    The actual dream meaning of being in school goes way deeper. So follow up as we explore the dream meaning of being in school from a Christian perspective.

    Dream Meaning of Being In School

    A simple interpretation for dreams about being in school is that they are pointers to the fact that you are in a time of learning new things; a valuable time for developing yourself for your life purpose.

    To better understand the meaning of our dreams about being in school, we have to take certain symbols in the dream into consideration and that includes:

    ⚫The kind of school,
    ⚫The level of education shown in the school dream,
    ⚫The class, and other symbols within the dream.

    For everyone who has God's calling upon their life, the LORD often trains them in the school of the Spirit (yes, there's Spiritual school) before using them. To these category of people, school dreams may come more frequently.

    Dreams about being in school are not the kind of dreams we should ignore, since they always have something important to communicate to us about our very life, purpose and destiny.

    Dreams About Being In The Kindergarten

    It is normal for kids to dream about learning with other kids in their kindergarten class, but same can not go for adults. For an adult to dream and see themselves attending classes that are meant for kindergarten kids means something very serious. It is a bad omen and a warning dream.

    This dream often points to choices and actions people have made/taken in life that have completed reset their life status OR relationship with God back to level one.

    Hebrews 5:12 KJV
    For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.

    Solution: Ask God for forgiveness. Ask Him to show you where you've gone wrong (if you already don't know). Ask the Holy Spirit to help you make amends so you can get back to the level you're supposed to be at your current point in life.

    If you think you did nothing wrong, but this dream came as a form of attack from the enemy, you have the authority to pray against and destroy it.

    Dreams About Getting Back In Primary School

    If you happen to see yourself back in your primary school in dreams, while in waking life that is not your educational level, it is a form of backwardness or spiritual demotion.

    ⚫A form of backwardness in the sense that such dream came from the enemy (pray against it).

    ⚫Spiritual demotion in the sense that one made choices or took actions in waking life that seriously impacted their relationship with God negatively.

    If we fail the simple tests that God allows us go through on daily basis and if one goes back to their past sins, it is possible to see such dream.

    Solution: We know ourselves more than anyone else does, so it's easy to tell whether such dream came from the enemy or we messed something up somewhere. Pray accordingly, make amends where necessary and learn what God wants you to learn in order to go forward.

    Dreams About Getting Back In Secondary/High School

    If this is not your level of education in walking life, but you had such dream, the meaning is not far from that of getting back in the Primary School. Apply the same solution.

    Dreams About Seeing Oneself In College/University

    Even if you've already graduated from the college/university, but see yourself learning with other students in any higher institution, it is a good omen.

    You've gone far in learning the things God wants you to know, you've learned from mistakes and are just a few steps towards starting to walk in and fulfil your God-given purpose/destiny. You're a mature Christian.

    Dreams About Teaching Adults In School

    To dream about you teaching youths, adults in a classroom is a good omen. It tells that you've learned from mistakes, you've passed your tests and acquired a lot of experience when it comes to your purpose in life.

    SEE ALSO: Christian Dream Meaning About Writing Exams and Tests

    You're well-equipped for your purpose/ministry/destiny. You're beginning to walk in your God-given purpose and God is pleased with you. You're a mature Christian able to disciple and bring others to maturity in Christ.

    Summary & Conclusion On School Dreams

    It is the will of God that we make progress in life to become who He destined us to be and walk in the fullness of all that He has in store for us. But before we get there, He will have to train and equip us.

    Many have experienced stagnancy in life because they often see themselves back in the old classroom of their childhood school with the same students who were in that class, but won't pay attention to the dream.

    School dreams shouldn't be ignored and discarded as 'just a dream'. They should be paid close attention to and prayed about because that can be God speaking to you.

    Copyright © 2019 iBlogGospel | No Article on Christian Dream Meanings from our website should be copied and pasted on any blog/website, printed and sold or reproduced in any form without prior permission of this site Admin.

    SCHOOL Christian Dream Meaning

    Dreams about being in school are common (among students and non-students alike). That one sees dreams about being in school doesn't actually mean they're going to start schooling soon.

      Even those who have graduated from college or the university and will never go to school also have dreams about being in school.

      We must understand that dreams are often symbolic. It is on rare occasions that dreaming about being in school do mean that one will soon start schooling in waking life.

      The actual dream meaning of being in school goes way deeper. So follow up as we explore the dream meaning of being in school from a Christian perspective.

      Dream Meaning of Being In School

      A simple interpretation for dreams about being in school is that they are pointers to the fact that you are in a time of learning new things; a valuable time for developing yourself for your life purpose.

      To better understand the meaning of our dreams about being in school, we have to take certain symbols in the dream into consideration and that includes:

      ⚫The kind of school,
      ⚫The level of education shown in the school dream,
      ⚫The class, and other symbols within the dream.

      For everyone who has God's calling upon their life, the LORD often trains them in the school of the Spirit (yes, there's Spiritual school) before using them. To these category of people, school dreams may come more frequently.

      Dreams about being in school are not the kind of dreams we should ignore, since they always have something important to communicate to us about our very life, purpose and destiny.

      Dreams About Being In The Kindergarten

      It is normal for kids to dream about learning with other kids in their kindergarten class, but same can not go for adults. For an adult to dream and see themselves attending classes that are meant for kindergarten kids means something very serious. It is a bad omen and a warning dream.

      This dream often points to choices and actions people have made/taken in life that have completed reset their life status OR relationship with God back to level one.

      Hebrews 5:12 KJV
      For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.

      Solution: Ask God for forgiveness. Ask Him to show you where you've gone wrong (if you already don't know). Ask the Holy Spirit to help you make amends so you can get back to the level you're supposed to be at your current point in life.

      If you think you did nothing wrong, but this dream came as a form of attack from the enemy, you have the authority to pray against and destroy it.

      Dreams About Getting Back In Primary School

      If you happen to see yourself back in your primary school in dreams, while in waking life that is not your educational level, it is a form of backwardness or spiritual demotion.

      ⚫A form of backwardness in the sense that such dream came from the enemy (pray against it).

      ⚫Spiritual demotion in the sense that one made choices or took actions in waking life that seriously impacted their relationship with God negatively.

      If we fail the simple tests that God allows us go through on daily basis and if one goes back to their past sins, it is possible to see such dream.

      Solution: We know ourselves more than anyone else does, so it's easy to tell whether such dream came from the enemy or we messed something up somewhere. Pray accordingly, make amends where necessary and learn what God wants you to learn in order to go forward.

      Dreams About Getting Back In Secondary/High School

      If this is not your level of education in walking life, but you had such dream, the meaning is not far from that of getting back in the Primary School. Apply the same solution.

      Dreams About Seeing Oneself In College/University

      Even if you've already graduated from the college/university, but see yourself learning with other students in any higher institution, it is a good omen.

      You've gone far in learning the things God wants you to know, you've learned from mistakes and are just a few steps towards starting to walk in and fulfil your God-given purpose/destiny. You're a mature Christian.

      Dreams About Teaching Adults In School

      To dream about you teaching youths, adults in a classroom is a good omen. It tells that you've learned from mistakes, you've passed your tests and acquired a lot of experience when it comes to your purpose in life.

      SEE ALSO: Christian Dream Meaning About Writing Exams and Tests

      You're well-equipped for your purpose/ministry/destiny. You're beginning to walk in your God-given purpose and God is pleased with you. You're a mature Christian able to disciple and bring others to maturity in Christ.

      Summary & Conclusion On School Dreams

      It is the will of God that we make progress in life to become who He destined us to be and walk in the fullness of all that He has in store for us. But before we get there, He will have to train and equip us.

      Many have experienced stagnancy in life because they often see themselves back in the old classroom of their childhood school with the same students who were in that class, but won't pay attention to the dream.

      School dreams shouldn't be ignored and discarded as 'just a dream'. They should be paid close attention to and prayed about because that can be God speaking to you.

      Copyright © 2019 iBlogGospel | No Article on Christian Dream Meanings from our website should be copied and pasted on any blog/website, printed and sold or reproduced in any form without prior permission of this site Admin.
      See Also

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