
Dreaming about writing exams or tests is a common occurrence among true Christians. Some people write it off as just a dream if it is seen by those who are still in school (students). But what about those who have graduated from school but still seeing themselves writing tests or exams in their dream?

    Not denying the fact that it is normal for students to have such dreams (maybe due to anxiety that comes before exams), but the truth is that the reason why people have such dreams  go way beyond being in school.

    Dreams about writing exams and tests should be paid close attention to, especially when they seem to be recurring. God is trying communicate something serious about the life of the dreamer.

    Basic Reasons For Having Exams and Test Dreams

    Let us explore the basic reasons why people have exams and test dreams.

    For Students:

    ⚫If exams are approaching, it's not strange to dream about sitting for exams. Such dreams often come from the mind, due to the fact that the student is thinking about their exams.

    ⚫God may choose to use exams dreams to show Christian students what their performance will be like in an upcoming exams.

    ⚫God may use exams dreams to show Christian students the plan of the enemy against their academics.

    Let me stress that, the dreams given as instances above are often not as serious. Because the reason for having exams and test dreams go way beyond the fact that one is a student, they often leave a lasting impression in the spirit of the dreamer.

    For Others:

    ⚫Having recurring exams and test dreams is an indication of God's calling upon your life.

    ⚫Exams and test dreams come before spiritual and physical promotion.

    ⚫Exams and test dreams are pointers to how one is working towards their destiny and the level at which they are in the process of doing so.

    Dream Meaning About Writing Exams and Tests

    Dream meanings about writing exams and tests can be easily explored when we use the above listed factors as our compass.

    Besides that, if it is a God-given dream, He often ensures He leaves a footprint: a very strong impression in the spirit of the dreamer to tell them what it's all about and how serious it is.

    Job 33:14-15 KJV
    For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. [15] In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed. 

    When Christians have recurring dreams about writing tests or exams, the meaning is not far-fetched: it speaks of trails and trainings God is taking them through in life.

    God doesn't tempt anyone. He tests. Before we attain new heights in Him or higher levels of spiritual growth, we will possibly have successive examsor tests dreams. Our performance in such dreams will determine whether we're ready for the next level or not.

    It's very common for true servants of God to have exams and tests dreams because God is taking them from glory to glory.

    Follow up as we explore common exams/tests dreams people have and their meanings.

    Sitting For Exams Below One's Level 

    To see oneself sitting for exams that are below one's level of education in waking life is a bad omen and a warning. Such dreams option indicate that one has made choices and taken actions that have drawn them backwards in life and their relationship with God.

    This sort of dreams often speak of backwardness in the dreamer's life and should be taken very serious.

    Those who have such dreams should have a rethink of how they've lived their life of recent and make amends (where necessary) for a better future.

    Unable To Answer Questions In Test/Exam Dreams

    Dreaming about sitting for tests or exams but you were unable to answer any question or just a question or two speaks of one's unpreparedness towards embracing their challenges and overcoming their God-endorsed trials in life.

    The exams questions may appear as such you've never been taught or you may know all the questions to be very simple but still can not answer any.

    SEE ALSO: Christian Dream Meaning: Sex Dreams

    Understand that the enemy will always tempt man with his favorite sin, but God on the other hand will use that as a test. If we often fall for the same temptation over and over again, God will not take us to the next level of spiritual growth.

    1 Peter 4:12 KJV
    Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you. 

    Some times, God will allow challenges in our waking life and watch how we respond and react to them [Remember Job]. If we keep reacting with self-pity, fear and lack of faith, then we've failed the test.

    James 1:12 KJV
    Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.

    Our responsibility is to pay close attention to our ways, understand what God wants us to do; the lessons He wants us to learn at every level and act accordingly.

    Writing and Cancelling in Exams/Test Dreams

    If you saw yourself sitting for exams or test where you knew answers to the questions, you were answering them but made mistakes that made you cancel your answers and re-write them over and over again, this speaks of lack of diligence.

    The dreamer must be diligent towards addressing the problems in their waking life. It's wrong to conclude we know God too much and don't need His guidance to overcome obstacles in life.

    We must seek wisdom from God and apply diligence towards carrying out every task He gives us and overcoming every temptation and trial that comes our way.

    Don't be desperate towards becoming all that God destined you to be. Pay close attention to details.

    Cheating In Exams/Test Dreams

    There are no good shortcuts to a fulfilled destiny. We can not jump-start new levels in our life and relationship with God. We can not force promotions in life. We must merit them all.

    Dreaming about one cheating in exams or tests often point to one's lack of a sincere heart towards God and hastiness in life. We must be willing to go through every process that is necessary for our promotion.

    We know that cheating in exams can bring dire consequences. We must understand neither our relationship with God nor our destiny are things we should toy with.

    Experiencing No Difficulty Answering Questions In Exam/Test Dream

    This is really a good omen. Such dreams tell us that we've done well in going through our trials the way God expects; we've overcome our trials; we've grown immensely in Spirit.

    Whenever you have such dreams, know that God is pleased with the way you're handling everything happening in your life; You're doing really great in your relationship with God; you've learned to overcome temptations you always fell for; you've learned the things God wants you to learn.

    Spiritual and physical promotion will always accompany the dreamer in waking life. Pray and affirm this.

    Summary & Conclusion

    Exams and Test dreams are usually a very delicate one. We must pay close attention to such dreams as they may either point to how we're living our life, how God wants us to live and the level we are in life.

    Our trials are necessary for us to become all that God destined us to be in life, we must embrace them.

    God trains us before using us. So exams and tests dreams may come frequently if we're not yet where God wants us to be but still in the process of getting there.

    God don't skip tests. If we fail, we will go through it again until we pass it. We must learn to cooperate with Him.

    This dream interpretation is not exhaustive. We should consult the Holy Spirit for interpretation if we have exams/tests dreams that are outside the scope of what is written here.

    If this article ministered to you in anyway, kindly leave your comments below this post. Blessings!

    Copyright © 2019 iBlogGospel | No Article on Christian Dream Meanings from our website should be copied and pasted on any blog/website, printed and sold or reproduced in any form without prior permission of this site Admin. 

    Dream Meaning About Writing Exams and Tests

    Dreaming about writing exams or tests is a common occurrence among true Christians. Some people write it off as just a dream if it is seen by those who are still in school (students). But what about those who have graduated from school but still seeing themselves writing tests or exams in their dream?

      Not denying the fact that it is normal for students to have such dreams (maybe due to anxiety that comes before exams), but the truth is that the reason why people have such dreams  go way beyond being in school.

      Dreams about writing exams and tests should be paid close attention to, especially when they seem to be recurring. God is trying communicate something serious about the life of the dreamer.

      Basic Reasons For Having Exams and Test Dreams

      Let us explore the basic reasons why people have exams and test dreams.

      For Students:

      ⚫If exams are approaching, it's not strange to dream about sitting for exams. Such dreams often come from the mind, due to the fact that the student is thinking about their exams.

      ⚫God may choose to use exams dreams to show Christian students what their performance will be like in an upcoming exams.

      ⚫God may use exams dreams to show Christian students the plan of the enemy against their academics.

      Let me stress that, the dreams given as instances above are often not as serious. Because the reason for having exams and test dreams go way beyond the fact that one is a student, they often leave a lasting impression in the spirit of the dreamer.

      For Others:

      ⚫Having recurring exams and test dreams is an indication of God's calling upon your life.

      ⚫Exams and test dreams come before spiritual and physical promotion.

      ⚫Exams and test dreams are pointers to how one is working towards their destiny and the level at which they are in the process of doing so.

      Dream Meaning About Writing Exams and Tests

      Dream meanings about writing exams and tests can be easily explored when we use the above listed factors as our compass.

      Besides that, if it is a God-given dream, He often ensures He leaves a footprint: a very strong impression in the spirit of the dreamer to tell them what it's all about and how serious it is.

      Job 33:14-15 KJV
      For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. [15] In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed. 

      When Christians have recurring dreams about writing tests or exams, the meaning is not far-fetched: it speaks of trails and trainings God is taking them through in life.

      God doesn't tempt anyone. He tests. Before we attain new heights in Him or higher levels of spiritual growth, we will possibly have successive examsor tests dreams. Our performance in such dreams will determine whether we're ready for the next level or not.

      It's very common for true servants of God to have exams and tests dreams because God is taking them from glory to glory.

      Follow up as we explore common exams/tests dreams people have and their meanings.

      Sitting For Exams Below One's Level 

      To see oneself sitting for exams that are below one's level of education in waking life is a bad omen and a warning. Such dreams option indicate that one has made choices and taken actions that have drawn them backwards in life and their relationship with God.

      This sort of dreams often speak of backwardness in the dreamer's life and should be taken very serious.

      Those who have such dreams should have a rethink of how they've lived their life of recent and make amends (where necessary) for a better future.

      Unable To Answer Questions In Test/Exam Dreams

      Dreaming about sitting for tests or exams but you were unable to answer any question or just a question or two speaks of one's unpreparedness towards embracing their challenges and overcoming their God-endorsed trials in life.

      The exams questions may appear as such you've never been taught or you may know all the questions to be very simple but still can not answer any.

      SEE ALSO: Christian Dream Meaning: Sex Dreams

      Understand that the enemy will always tempt man with his favorite sin, but God on the other hand will use that as a test. If we often fall for the same temptation over and over again, God will not take us to the next level of spiritual growth.

      1 Peter 4:12 KJV
      Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you. 

      Some times, God will allow challenges in our waking life and watch how we respond and react to them [Remember Job]. If we keep reacting with self-pity, fear and lack of faith, then we've failed the test.

      James 1:12 KJV
      Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.

      Our responsibility is to pay close attention to our ways, understand what God wants us to do; the lessons He wants us to learn at every level and act accordingly.

      Writing and Cancelling in Exams/Test Dreams

      If you saw yourself sitting for exams or test where you knew answers to the questions, you were answering them but made mistakes that made you cancel your answers and re-write them over and over again, this speaks of lack of diligence.

      The dreamer must be diligent towards addressing the problems in their waking life. It's wrong to conclude we know God too much and don't need His guidance to overcome obstacles in life.

      We must seek wisdom from God and apply diligence towards carrying out every task He gives us and overcoming every temptation and trial that comes our way.

      Don't be desperate towards becoming all that God destined you to be. Pay close attention to details.

      Cheating In Exams/Test Dreams

      There are no good shortcuts to a fulfilled destiny. We can not jump-start new levels in our life and relationship with God. We can not force promotions in life. We must merit them all.

      Dreaming about one cheating in exams or tests often point to one's lack of a sincere heart towards God and hastiness in life. We must be willing to go through every process that is necessary for our promotion.

      We know that cheating in exams can bring dire consequences. We must understand neither our relationship with God nor our destiny are things we should toy with.

      Experiencing No Difficulty Answering Questions In Exam/Test Dream

      This is really a good omen. Such dreams tell us that we've done well in going through our trials the way God expects; we've overcome our trials; we've grown immensely in Spirit.

      Whenever you have such dreams, know that God is pleased with the way you're handling everything happening in your life; You're doing really great in your relationship with God; you've learned to overcome temptations you always fell for; you've learned the things God wants you to learn.

      Spiritual and physical promotion will always accompany the dreamer in waking life. Pray and affirm this.

      Summary & Conclusion

      Exams and Test dreams are usually a very delicate one. We must pay close attention to such dreams as they may either point to how we're living our life, how God wants us to live and the level we are in life.

      Our trials are necessary for us to become all that God destined us to be in life, we must embrace them.

      God trains us before using us. So exams and tests dreams may come frequently if we're not yet where God wants us to be but still in the process of getting there.

      God don't skip tests. If we fail, we will go through it again until we pass it. We must learn to cooperate with Him.

      This dream interpretation is not exhaustive. We should consult the Holy Spirit for interpretation if we have exams/tests dreams that are outside the scope of what is written here.

      If this article ministered to you in anyway, kindly leave your comments below this post. Blessings!

      Copyright © 2019 iBlogGospel | No Article on Christian Dream Meanings from our website should be copied and pasted on any blog/website, printed and sold or reproduced in any form without prior permission of this site Admin. 
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