How To Avoid Being Unequally Yoked

Grace and Peace to you iBlog Readers. In this article I am going to address briefly one of the situations that often defy the discernment and wisdom of some Christians.

    The article is targeted towards Christian singles and those who are in courtship or making plans to go into it. I pray you gain some insight from this piece after reading it.

    2 Corinthians 6:14 KJV
    Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

    The Holy Scriptures is clear on the fact that true believers are not to expected to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. We're fond of reading and discarding this verse as nothing more than getting married to people who are not saved. That's not wrong anyway, but there's more behind the popular bible verse.
    If you take a closer look at that scripture and ask the Holy Spirit to broaden your understanding on it, I believe you can gain more insight into it, even more than I am going to explore in this article.

    What It Means To Be Unequally Yoked

    The word "yoke" is an agricultural term. Many years back, yokes were used to fasten two oxen together while they pulled the plough around the farm to plough the soil for sowing of seeds.

    The farmers understood it would be difficult for an ox to complete the task of ploughing an entire farm; they understood the power of two. And as a result, two able-bodied and compatible oxen were often yoked together for the task. That normally gave them the desired output.

    No sane farmer would make the mistake of putting a baby ox together with a mature one in the same yoke. A horse also can not be yoked with an ox. That would either slow down the work, make it tedious or totally impossible to carry out.

    Same thing applies to believers. I see the LORD in the place of the farmer. Since kingdom marriage isn't just limited to the couples involved but extends its influence to the Church and the world in general, it is not the will of the LORD that He yokes together two incompatible people.

    I underlined the word "incompatible" because 2 Corinthians 6:14 has much to do with two incompatible people being yoked together in the bond of marriage.

    Christians But Incompatible. A Possibility?

    The answer is a resounding Yes!

    ● If they do not believe in you or the vision the LORD has given you, what makes them an equal yoke?

    ● If they can not buy into the vision the LORD has given you, to understand and run with it, that bond will make an unequal yoke!

    ● If both can't work together without opposing each other, they are unequally yoked. Can two walk together except they agree? (Amos 3:3). If the agreement percentage between the two is very poor, you're definitely going to make an equal yoke!

    ● Are they pretenders? Have you caught them red-handed telling lies? Cheating? That's definitely gonna be an unequal yoke. If they say they're Christian but are very evasive and illusive; always trying to cover up something, they will make an unequal yoke. Believers are not known just by the title.

    Disadvantages Of Being Unequally Yoked

    ●  It Doesn't Glorify God: Marriage among compatible Christians often bring glory to the LORD. If both parties are not compatible, chances are that the effects of that unequal bond will not bring glory to the LORD. Our first priority as Christians must be that God is pleased through everything we do and get ourselves into!

    It can slow down One's overall Progress: A farmer cannot yoke a goat with an ox and expect good results. If at all they're able to move together, the work will be slow. We need someone who can move with us at the same pace.
    It can forfeit one's Destiny: It's like Samson getting unequally yoked with Delilah. That did cost him both his life and destiny.

     ● Damage to Reputation: Kingdom marriages among Christians are expected to reflect Christ in and out. If we're Christians but our marriage keeps reflecting the characteristics of that of unbelievers, it puts our image or reputation at stake and cause people point fingers.

     ● It Affects The Entire Church Negatively: Christian marriages are suppose to impact the Church positively. If it can't impact her positively, it does so the other way round. And the LORD won't be pleased.

    Make no mistake about this: unbelievers also include those who say they're Christians but for many years their actions keep proving the opposite. It doesn't take decades for God to change people.

    How To Avoid Being Unequally Yoked

    Check For The Fruit of The Holy Spirit: The fruit of the Spirit is a sure sign they are born of God. If they profess they are born of God but they experience difficult manifesting the fruit, they may in future but presently they're not for you.
    Galatians 5:22-24 KJV
    But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, [23] Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. [24] And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. 
    Be Led By The Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit will always give us the discernment to spot a connection that can possibly turn out to be an unequal yoke. Rely on Him. Be led by the Holy Spirit, not emotions.

    Looks Don't Count: Don't be carried away by looks. Getting entangled with someone simply because they look good doesn't mean God has approved or it's going to make an equal yoke.

    Don't Ignore Danger Signs: Unequal yokes have many red lights at the courtship stage. It's always unwise to ignore them!

    Don't Be Carried Away By A Four-letter Word: Some Christian are caught and strangled in an unequal yoke simply because they're repeatedly told they're loved, but without tangible actions to back it up. Being told you're loved isn't enough, if their actions repeatedly prove the opposite, spare yourself that unequal yoke!


    Two compatible Christians yoked together are a double trouble for the devil! That is why he fights to ensure Christians are unequally yoked. Don't fall for that trick!

    We can always spare ourselves the regrets many Christians have had if we take the few things I've said here into consideration. God wants to give you the best, don't settle for the less! I pray the LORD guides us. Amen!
    Now your turn:

    If you were blessed reading this piece, please share with as many as you can.

    Stay Pure, by His Grace. Remain Blessed.

    How To Avoid Being Unequally Yoked

    How To Avoid Being Unequally Yoked

    Grace and Peace to you iBlog Readers. In this article I am going to address briefly one of the situations that often defy the discernment and wisdom of some Christians.

      The article is targeted towards Christian singles and those who are in courtship or making plans to go into it. I pray you gain some insight from this piece after reading it.

      2 Corinthians 6:14 KJV
      Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

      The Holy Scriptures is clear on the fact that true believers are not to expected to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. We're fond of reading and discarding this verse as nothing more than getting married to people who are not saved. That's not wrong anyway, but there's more behind the popular bible verse.
      If you take a closer look at that scripture and ask the Holy Spirit to broaden your understanding on it, I believe you can gain more insight into it, even more than I am going to explore in this article.

      What It Means To Be Unequally Yoked

      The word "yoke" is an agricultural term. Many years back, yokes were used to fasten two oxen together while they pulled the plough around the farm to plough the soil for sowing of seeds.

      The farmers understood it would be difficult for an ox to complete the task of ploughing an entire farm; they understood the power of two. And as a result, two able-bodied and compatible oxen were often yoked together for the task. That normally gave them the desired output.

      No sane farmer would make the mistake of putting a baby ox together with a mature one in the same yoke. A horse also can not be yoked with an ox. That would either slow down the work, make it tedious or totally impossible to carry out.

      Same thing applies to believers. I see the LORD in the place of the farmer. Since kingdom marriage isn't just limited to the couples involved but extends its influence to the Church and the world in general, it is not the will of the LORD that He yokes together two incompatible people.

      I underlined the word "incompatible" because 2 Corinthians 6:14 has much to do with two incompatible people being yoked together in the bond of marriage.

      Christians But Incompatible. A Possibility?

      The answer is a resounding Yes!

      ● If they do not believe in you or the vision the LORD has given you, what makes them an equal yoke?

      ● If they can not buy into the vision the LORD has given you, to understand and run with it, that bond will make an unequal yoke!

      ● If both can't work together without opposing each other, they are unequally yoked. Can two walk together except they agree? (Amos 3:3). If the agreement percentage between the two is very poor, you're definitely going to make an equal yoke!

      ● Are they pretenders? Have you caught them red-handed telling lies? Cheating? That's definitely gonna be an unequal yoke. If they say they're Christian but are very evasive and illusive; always trying to cover up something, they will make an unequal yoke. Believers are not known just by the title.

      Disadvantages Of Being Unequally Yoked

      ●  It Doesn't Glorify God: Marriage among compatible Christians often bring glory to the LORD. If both parties are not compatible, chances are that the effects of that unequal bond will not bring glory to the LORD. Our first priority as Christians must be that God is pleased through everything we do and get ourselves into!

      It can slow down One's overall Progress: A farmer cannot yoke a goat with an ox and expect good results. If at all they're able to move together, the work will be slow. We need someone who can move with us at the same pace.
      It can forfeit one's Destiny: It's like Samson getting unequally yoked with Delilah. That did cost him both his life and destiny.

       ● Damage to Reputation: Kingdom marriages among Christians are expected to reflect Christ in and out. If we're Christians but our marriage keeps reflecting the characteristics of that of unbelievers, it puts our image or reputation at stake and cause people point fingers.

       ● It Affects The Entire Church Negatively: Christian marriages are suppose to impact the Church positively. If it can't impact her positively, it does so the other way round. And the LORD won't be pleased.

      Make no mistake about this: unbelievers also include those who say they're Christians but for many years their actions keep proving the opposite. It doesn't take decades for God to change people.

      How To Avoid Being Unequally Yoked

      Check For The Fruit of The Holy Spirit: The fruit of the Spirit is a sure sign they are born of God. If they profess they are born of God but they experience difficult manifesting the fruit, they may in future but presently they're not for you.
      Galatians 5:22-24 KJV
      But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, [23] Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. [24] And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. 
      Be Led By The Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit will always give us the discernment to spot a connection that can possibly turn out to be an unequal yoke. Rely on Him. Be led by the Holy Spirit, not emotions.

      Looks Don't Count: Don't be carried away by looks. Getting entangled with someone simply because they look good doesn't mean God has approved or it's going to make an equal yoke.

      Don't Ignore Danger Signs: Unequal yokes have many red lights at the courtship stage. It's always unwise to ignore them!

      Don't Be Carried Away By A Four-letter Word: Some Christian are caught and strangled in an unequal yoke simply because they're repeatedly told they're loved, but without tangible actions to back it up. Being told you're loved isn't enough, if their actions repeatedly prove the opposite, spare yourself that unequal yoke!


      Two compatible Christians yoked together are a double trouble for the devil! That is why he fights to ensure Christians are unequally yoked. Don't fall for that trick!

      We can always spare ourselves the regrets many Christians have had if we take the few things I've said here into consideration. God wants to give you the best, don't settle for the less! I pray the LORD guides us. Amen!
      Now your turn:

      If you were blessed reading this piece, please share with as many as you can.

      Stay Pure, by His Grace. Remain Blessed.
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