
It's not uncommon for people to dream about houses. Seeing a house in dreams has meanings that are not far from the dreamer's personal life.

    Dreams about houses can be understood and interpreted in various ways based on the structure, state or appearance of the house.

    Christian Dream Meaning Of A House

    A house in dreams represents your life. Recall these words from our LORD Jesus Christ:

    Matthew 12:43-45 KJV
    When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none.
    [44] Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished.
    [45] Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.

    To understand the meaning of dreams about houses, one must take into consideration many factors including:

    ⚫Structure of the house
    ⚫Appearance of the house
    ⚫Location of the House
    ⚫Things found within the house
    ⚫Placement of furniture within the house, etc.

    The nature of a house in dreams often represent the current state of a person's life. In most cases, it reflects the person's current spiritual state. House dreams should never be taken lightly.

    Dream Meaning of A New House

    To see a newly completed or almost completed and furnished house (which the dreamer has an inner knowing that it belongs to them) is a good omen. God is doing something new in your life that will bring you great joy and overall promotion in life. You responsibility is to pray, thank Him and affirm it.

    Isaiah 43:19 KJV
    Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

    Building A House In Dreams

    If you see yourself building a new house in your dream, it is a good omen. It's an indication that you are presently in line with God's will for your life and working towards achieving your goals, bettering your life and future.

    It can also imply that you are building up your spiritual life and relationship with God and you're doing it the right way. Notice the level at which the construction of the building is at (that can have a lot to tell you) and press on!

    After seeing such dreams, it's wise to not stop doing what you're doing that has given you this pass mark. Continue obeying God and working towards actualizing your goals and fulfilling destiny.

    It's only in rare cases that building a house in dreams means that you're actually going to immediately start building one in waking life.

    Cleaning Your House In Dreams

    To see yourself cleaning your house often means that a spiritual cleansing is happening in your life, mostly due to the fact that the person has chosen to let go of certain sins that easily beset them to embrace holiness and purity.

    It is a sign of spiritual purging currently happening in your life. You shouldn't stop doing what you're doing. Don't stop studying God's Word and Praying. This will hasten the cleansing process.

    Ephesians 5:26 KJV
    That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word. 

    Unkept House

    To dream and see that the furniture in certain rooms or a room in your apartment are not in their right places is a very important revelation granted you. It may seem like someone moved them around, turned them over here and there and scattered the whole room. This tells of demonic presence in that apartment. No true Christian should be afraid to command demons to go back to where they were sent and leave their house alone!

    Such dreams may also speak of a possible demonic plan to bring disorder to your life. Come against it in prayer.

    If you've ever dreamt and saw that your house is very dirty and untidy, but in waking life it's very neat, this speaks of spiritual impurity (often due to sin) in one's personal life. To wallow in sin is never the best choice in life. The dreamer has to let go of sinful deeds and behaviours and submit themselves to God for cleansing.

    SEE ALSO: Christian Dream Meaning of Returning Back To Former Residence

    If your apartment needs to be cleaned up in waking life but you're procrastinating doing it, God may as well bring it to your notice through a dream that you need to clean up your apartment! (don't laugh). God hates dirt, a Christian should be clean (both physically and spiritually). Cleanliness is next to godliness.

    House with Doors and Windows open

    To dream and see yourself sleeping in your room but all of a sudden you notice that the doors and windows are open is not something to take lightly!

    This tells that the dreamer has in one way or the other let down their spiritual guard (maybe through sin or lack of prayer) and will be vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy. Such dreams are a warning for one to get back under God's protection as soon as possible, before the enemy strikes!

    Ephesians 6:11 KJV
    Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

    House With Leaking Roof

    To see in a dream that the room you're living in leaks while rain falls is an indication of a serious spiritual and physical slackness that needs urgent attention!

    Concerning the person's waking life, he/she may not be working hard enough to make ends meet and may soon be struck by serious financial crises.

    Ecclesiastes 10:18 KJV
    By much slothfulness the building decayeth; and through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through.

    Concerning the person's spiritual life, these kind of dreams tell that one has neglected their spiritual life; they have ceased to do things that will help them grow spiritually and closer to God. They have opted for sin and the ways of the world.

    Such dreams are a wakeup call for one to take responsibility for your physical and spiritual well-being.

    Mud and Thatched House

    In Africa, mud and thatched houses are for the very less-privileged. To see oneself living in a mud and thatched house means poverty and sometimes, a very pathetic spiritual life that urgently and seriously needs to be worked on.


    This dream interpretation concerning houses is not exhaustive! The Holy Spirit is able to give an inner knowing concerning the meaning of house dreams we have based on their context.

    It's always advisable to always seek Him for interpretation before consulting online Christian dreams dictionaries (as most of them aren't as accurate).

    For every dream about a house one has, which are in connection with some interpretations that are presented above, one should pray accordingly, to either affirm or destroy them.

    Be blessed!

    Feel free to share your dreams and contributions as comments below.

    Copyright © 2019 iBlogGospel | No Article on Christian Dream Meanings from our website should be copied and pasted on any blog/website, printed and sold or reproduced in any form without prior permission of this site Admin. 

    HOUSE Christian Dream Meaning

    It's not uncommon for people to dream about houses. Seeing a house in dreams has meanings that are not far from the dreamer's personal life.

      Dreams about houses can be understood and interpreted in various ways based on the structure, state or appearance of the house.

      Christian Dream Meaning Of A House

      A house in dreams represents your life. Recall these words from our LORD Jesus Christ:

      Matthew 12:43-45 KJV
      When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none.
      [44] Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished.
      [45] Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.

      To understand the meaning of dreams about houses, one must take into consideration many factors including:

      ⚫Structure of the house
      ⚫Appearance of the house
      ⚫Location of the House
      ⚫Things found within the house
      ⚫Placement of furniture within the house, etc.

      The nature of a house in dreams often represent the current state of a person's life. In most cases, it reflects the person's current spiritual state. House dreams should never be taken lightly.

      Dream Meaning of A New House

      To see a newly completed or almost completed and furnished house (which the dreamer has an inner knowing that it belongs to them) is a good omen. God is doing something new in your life that will bring you great joy and overall promotion in life. You responsibility is to pray, thank Him and affirm it.

      Isaiah 43:19 KJV
      Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

      Building A House In Dreams

      If you see yourself building a new house in your dream, it is a good omen. It's an indication that you are presently in line with God's will for your life and working towards achieving your goals, bettering your life and future.

      It can also imply that you are building up your spiritual life and relationship with God and you're doing it the right way. Notice the level at which the construction of the building is at (that can have a lot to tell you) and press on!

      After seeing such dreams, it's wise to not stop doing what you're doing that has given you this pass mark. Continue obeying God and working towards actualizing your goals and fulfilling destiny.

      It's only in rare cases that building a house in dreams means that you're actually going to immediately start building one in waking life.

      Cleaning Your House In Dreams

      To see yourself cleaning your house often means that a spiritual cleansing is happening in your life, mostly due to the fact that the person has chosen to let go of certain sins that easily beset them to embrace holiness and purity.

      It is a sign of spiritual purging currently happening in your life. You shouldn't stop doing what you're doing. Don't stop studying God's Word and Praying. This will hasten the cleansing process.

      Ephesians 5:26 KJV
      That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word. 

      Unkept House

      To dream and see that the furniture in certain rooms or a room in your apartment are not in their right places is a very important revelation granted you. It may seem like someone moved them around, turned them over here and there and scattered the whole room. This tells of demonic presence in that apartment. No true Christian should be afraid to command demons to go back to where they were sent and leave their house alone!

      Such dreams may also speak of a possible demonic plan to bring disorder to your life. Come against it in prayer.

      If you've ever dreamt and saw that your house is very dirty and untidy, but in waking life it's very neat, this speaks of spiritual impurity (often due to sin) in one's personal life. To wallow in sin is never the best choice in life. The dreamer has to let go of sinful deeds and behaviours and submit themselves to God for cleansing.

      SEE ALSO: Christian Dream Meaning of Returning Back To Former Residence

      If your apartment needs to be cleaned up in waking life but you're procrastinating doing it, God may as well bring it to your notice through a dream that you need to clean up your apartment! (don't laugh). God hates dirt, a Christian should be clean (both physically and spiritually). Cleanliness is next to godliness.

      House with Doors and Windows open

      To dream and see yourself sleeping in your room but all of a sudden you notice that the doors and windows are open is not something to take lightly!

      This tells that the dreamer has in one way or the other let down their spiritual guard (maybe through sin or lack of prayer) and will be vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy. Such dreams are a warning for one to get back under God's protection as soon as possible, before the enemy strikes!

      Ephesians 6:11 KJV
      Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

      House With Leaking Roof

      To see in a dream that the room you're living in leaks while rain falls is an indication of a serious spiritual and physical slackness that needs urgent attention!

      Concerning the person's waking life, he/she may not be working hard enough to make ends meet and may soon be struck by serious financial crises.

      Ecclesiastes 10:18 KJV
      By much slothfulness the building decayeth; and through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through.

      Concerning the person's spiritual life, these kind of dreams tell that one has neglected their spiritual life; they have ceased to do things that will help them grow spiritually and closer to God. They have opted for sin and the ways of the world.

      Such dreams are a wakeup call for one to take responsibility for your physical and spiritual well-being.

      Mud and Thatched House

      In Africa, mud and thatched houses are for the very less-privileged. To see oneself living in a mud and thatched house means poverty and sometimes, a very pathetic spiritual life that urgently and seriously needs to be worked on.


      This dream interpretation concerning houses is not exhaustive! The Holy Spirit is able to give an inner knowing concerning the meaning of house dreams we have based on their context.

      It's always advisable to always seek Him for interpretation before consulting online Christian dreams dictionaries (as most of them aren't as accurate).

      For every dream about a house one has, which are in connection with some interpretations that are presented above, one should pray accordingly, to either affirm or destroy them.

      Be blessed!

      Feel free to share your dreams and contributions as comments below.

      Copyright © 2019 iBlogGospel | No Article on Christian Dream Meanings from our website should be copied and pasted on any blog/website, printed and sold or reproduced in any form without prior permission of this site Admin. 
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