Harnessing God's Power Through Purity

Genesis 32:28 KJV
And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.

Man is in the era of spiritual enlightenment. And one thing that is so much sought after in the world today is spiritual power. So many have awakened to the consciousness of hidden spiritual potentials within and around them. Many have dabbled into the spiritual without a clue on whether they're on the right side or not. Even science is fast becoming spiritual.

    Any spiritual activity that is presently in operation today either emanates from God Almighty or the devil. Since we are in the Last Days, there is a great need to be extra-careful. Our Lord Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24 that in these days many agents of darkness will rise and display mighty but deceptive signs and wonders. The excitement of living in the era of spiritual enlightenment shouldn't make us dabble into the wrong path, it should lead us closer to God instead.

    The only valid owner of Power is God Almighty(Psalm 62:11). Satan has no power but fancies which he uses to deceive those who get captivated by them.

    God is Almighty. He is Omnipotent. I'd learnt that no matter the amount of Anointing we possess, we shouldn't see ourselves as 'having the power of God' (that sounds like taking His power, making it personal and living pridefully, independent off Him), but we should see ourselves as 'having power with Him'.

    The mad-rush for spiritual power is not for Christians. Majority of those who seek the power of God even with prayer and fasting always end up in frustration. Some then dive into the dark side for power. I believe if we can fix ourselves in God's shoes, we'll see how it actually looks like to seek God's power instead of His heart.

    Let's say you had a new friend in town whom you met for the first time and welcomed to your house. The friend occasionally comes to eat, ask for some money and leave without caring know your name, what you do or your relations. How will you feel? That's exactly how it is when we seek power from God, instead of intimate relationship with Him, which can actually give us power with Him.

    It's definitely the will of God that we have power with Him. But we only achieve that if we seek Him, not his Power!

    GOD pours into those who are hungry for Him; those who are willing to deny themselves every other thing in order to have Him. Not those who are hungry for His power.

    See what Apostle Paul said:

    Philippians 3:8-10 KJV
    Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, [9] And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: [10] That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;

    The Key To Walking In God's Power

    Paul understood the key to having power with God. Within these few powerful verses above, Paul revealed the secret to us:

    > He counted every other thing as loss: He cared less about every other thing apart from God.

    > He suffered the loss of all things: Because he cared less about them, he lost them (including himself) and every other thing which stood between him and God.

    > Since he lost himself and these other things, he could then be found in Him: In that state God can work powerfully through him, because he's no longer him but Christ who lives in, takes absolute control of his entire being to will and do through him (Philippians 2:13).

    > The endpoint is experiencing the power of God(verse 10).

    There's the formula!

    Purity And God's Power: How They Co-relate

    Those who have power with God are those who deny themselves the filthy pleasures and attractions of this world to desire God above everything else! When we let go of every worthless thing that once filled our lives, we give God more void in us for Him to fill.

    Purity gives us power with God! Impure vessels are already filled with impurity, there's no longer void for God to fill and use them.

    We cannot be a container of sin and at the same time a dispenser of God's Power. If we are ready to get purged, the LORD will take it upon Himself to purge, fill and use us!

    2 Timothy 2:21 KJV
    If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work.

    Several factors contributed to the quantum of impact Apostle Paul made in the Early Church. One of them was his willingness to let go of every worldly and fleshly hindrance, to focus just on God alone! If we are willing to do same, the result will be evident for many to see!

    Heaven is tired of seeing most Christians live like orphans on Earth. They're tired of seeing many professing Christians live under demonic oppression. The world is tired of seeing people who are just Christians by name but aren't making impact. It's all because of powerlessness. Every christian who has power with God is a threat to the Kingdom of darkness and can make jaw-dropping impacts! They're never the ones doing it but God doing it through them.

    If the end time Church must walk in power, they must first of all learn to walk in holiness and purity, by His Grace! 

    If we get hungry for more of God; if we are determined to consecrate of entire being (body, soul and spirit) unto Him; if we are willing to seek intimacy with the LORD, we'll have Power with God. We'll make impact on Earth and prevail over these fancies of darkness called power! Amen!

    Share your thoughts below and Share the article with your friends. God bless you.

    How To Harness God's Power Through Purity

    Harnessing God's Power Through Purity

    Genesis 32:28 KJV
    And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.

    Man is in the era of spiritual enlightenment. And one thing that is so much sought after in the world today is spiritual power. So many have awakened to the consciousness of hidden spiritual potentials within and around them. Many have dabbled into the spiritual without a clue on whether they're on the right side or not. Even science is fast becoming spiritual.

      Any spiritual activity that is presently in operation today either emanates from God Almighty or the devil. Since we are in the Last Days, there is a great need to be extra-careful. Our Lord Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24 that in these days many agents of darkness will rise and display mighty but deceptive signs and wonders. The excitement of living in the era of spiritual enlightenment shouldn't make us dabble into the wrong path, it should lead us closer to God instead.

      The only valid owner of Power is God Almighty(Psalm 62:11). Satan has no power but fancies which he uses to deceive those who get captivated by them.

      God is Almighty. He is Omnipotent. I'd learnt that no matter the amount of Anointing we possess, we shouldn't see ourselves as 'having the power of God' (that sounds like taking His power, making it personal and living pridefully, independent off Him), but we should see ourselves as 'having power with Him'.

      The mad-rush for spiritual power is not for Christians. Majority of those who seek the power of God even with prayer and fasting always end up in frustration. Some then dive into the dark side for power. I believe if we can fix ourselves in God's shoes, we'll see how it actually looks like to seek God's power instead of His heart.

      Let's say you had a new friend in town whom you met for the first time and welcomed to your house. The friend occasionally comes to eat, ask for some money and leave without caring know your name, what you do or your relations. How will you feel? That's exactly how it is when we seek power from God, instead of intimate relationship with Him, which can actually give us power with Him.

      It's definitely the will of God that we have power with Him. But we only achieve that if we seek Him, not his Power!

      GOD pours into those who are hungry for Him; those who are willing to deny themselves every other thing in order to have Him. Not those who are hungry for His power.

      See what Apostle Paul said:

      Philippians 3:8-10 KJV
      Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, [9] And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: [10] That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;

      The Key To Walking In God's Power

      Paul understood the key to having power with God. Within these few powerful verses above, Paul revealed the secret to us:

      > He counted every other thing as loss: He cared less about every other thing apart from God.

      > He suffered the loss of all things: Because he cared less about them, he lost them (including himself) and every other thing which stood between him and God.

      > Since he lost himself and these other things, he could then be found in Him: In that state God can work powerfully through him, because he's no longer him but Christ who lives in, takes absolute control of his entire being to will and do through him (Philippians 2:13).

      > The endpoint is experiencing the power of God(verse 10).

      There's the formula!

      Purity And God's Power: How They Co-relate

      Those who have power with God are those who deny themselves the filthy pleasures and attractions of this world to desire God above everything else! When we let go of every worthless thing that once filled our lives, we give God more void in us for Him to fill.

      Purity gives us power with God! Impure vessels are already filled with impurity, there's no longer void for God to fill and use them.

      We cannot be a container of sin and at the same time a dispenser of God's Power. If we are ready to get purged, the LORD will take it upon Himself to purge, fill and use us!

      2 Timothy 2:21 KJV
      If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work.

      Several factors contributed to the quantum of impact Apostle Paul made in the Early Church. One of them was his willingness to let go of every worldly and fleshly hindrance, to focus just on God alone! If we are willing to do same, the result will be evident for many to see!

      Heaven is tired of seeing most Christians live like orphans on Earth. They're tired of seeing many professing Christians live under demonic oppression. The world is tired of seeing people who are just Christians by name but aren't making impact. It's all because of powerlessness. Every christian who has power with God is a threat to the Kingdom of darkness and can make jaw-dropping impacts! They're never the ones doing it but God doing it through them.

      If the end time Church must walk in power, they must first of all learn to walk in holiness and purity, by His Grace! 

      If we get hungry for more of God; if we are determined to consecrate of entire being (body, soul and spirit) unto Him; if we are willing to seek intimacy with the LORD, we'll have Power with God. We'll make impact on Earth and prevail over these fancies of darkness called power! Amen!

      Share your thoughts below and Share the article with your friends. God bless you.

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