How To Break Demonic Soul Ties

A soul tie is a spiritual or emotional link between two people. Soul ties can either be good or bad; beneficial or destructive.

    To me, soul ties are far more spiritual than emotional. Soul ties are powerful, they can either make or mar us depending on what category they fall under.

    Meaning of Soul Ties

    The Bible doesn't say much concerning soul ties. The common passage is: “The soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul” ( 1 Samuel 18:1 KJV). But the Holy Spirit was given to lead us to all truth. He enables us to know when something is right or wrong for us.

    Types of Soul Ties

    Whenever the term 'soul tie' get mentioned I get reminded of two biological associations (parasitism and symbiosis) which exist among living organisms. I seem to see how they reflect the two categories of soul ties.

    Parasitism involves two organisms(the parasite and the host), where the parasite benefits from and harms the host in the process. While the host gains nothing good from the parasite but destruction.

    Whereas, in symbiosis both organisms gain from each other and are not harmed in the process.

    1). Holy And Godly Soul ties: This can be likened to a symbiotic association. A holy soul tie comes with much benefit. Those involved do not suffer harm but benefit from the connection.
    The connection which existed between Johnathan and David was beneficial. Such kind of soul ties are often approved of God. For instance, our connection with the LORD as Christians is beneficial, not harmful. An holy soul tie is formed between couples.

    2). Ungodly or Unholy Soul ties: What word can perfectly fit the description of ungodly soul ties far better than 'Parasitic'? Maybe 'toxic' can be another fitting word. An ungodly soul tie in one's life is a parasite which is bent on eating up and destroying that individual if it's not check-mated on time.

    Ungodly soul ties are wrecking havoc in many lives today, even in the Church. And that's the very one we are addressing in this article.

    How Ungodly Soul Ties Are Formed

    Many believe that soul ties are formed through sex with people who are not their spouse and that's true but that's not all. Soul ties are formed either through:

    ● Sexual Immorality or
    ● Lust, Seduction And
    ● Ungodly Emotional connection.

    A). Soul ties formed through fornication or adultery are prevalent today. They eventually become a channel through which demons can pass garbage between two people and afflict them as long as possible.

    Having sexual relations (outside marriage) with someone means leaving a part of you in that person, and that person leaving a part of them in you. Be it part of their character, behaviour, temper, their demons and the list goes on.

    Some people find it difficult to let go of someone they once fornicated with before they got married to some other person, simply because an unholy soul tie was formed. Such soul tie needs to be broken.

    Demonic spirits as incubus and succubus (fondly called spiritual wife and spiritual husband) often gain access to lives via ungodly soul ties formed through sexual immorality.

    These demons can afflict their victims individually or as a couple. It's needful we mind what we're opening the door for through our actions.

    B). There are some who are married but cannot stop desiring to be with someone else. Some married men and women are lusting after someone else in the Church, in their office, school etc. The result is the formation of an ungodly soul tie which can also open doors to demonic attack and oppression in marriage.

    Some are just attracted to people they'll never be with in life and call it 'having a crush' on someone. Personally I am keen on killing that. No need to have a crush on me if I don't see a future with you. The earlier that attraction is broken before it becomes a soul tie, the better!

    The LORD wants us to stay far from sexual immorality not only so that we will make Heaven at last, but also because it's harmful to us while on Earth. 

    1 Peter 2:11 KJV
    Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;

    C). As I earlier said, the connection between Johnathan and David was beneficial. Today there are ungodly soul ties existing in Christendom among some 'fathers and mothers in the Lord' with their 'sons and daughters' which are very toxic. This is often initiated by the spirit of Jezebel.

    Jezebel is a manipulating, controlling and domineering spirit. These type of ungodly soul ties keep saints tied to a particular man or woman of God to the extent they begin worshipping unknowingly. Most times they are showered with expensive gifts so that they can remain loyal and tied to the man or woman of God even if they're sinning with them.

    I've heard and seen instances where married women listen to their 'man of God' more than their husband at home and take their every word but not that of their spouse. Same goes to men who revere 'their Prophetess' or female pastor more than their wife.

    They are all the signs of ungodly emotional connection.

    How To Break Ungodly Soul Ties

    1. Ask the LORD to enable you identify the soul tie.

    2. Make pronouncement against such soul tie and declare them destroyed by the Blood of Jesus.

    3. Stay away from whatever can possibly re-establish the soul tie.

    4. Keep your focus on Jesus.

    5. Stay filled with the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.

    6. Stay Prayerful.

    7. Desire God, not sin. Stay Pure.

    Ungodly soul ties can destroy one's life, marriage, name it. It is the will of the LORD that we regain our sanity and enjoy our liberty and victory in the HIM. Break that ungodly soul tie today! Amen! Remain Blessed.

    How To Break Free From Demonic Soul Ties

    How To Break Demonic Soul Ties

    A soul tie is a spiritual or emotional link between two people. Soul ties can either be good or bad; beneficial or destructive.

      To me, soul ties are far more spiritual than emotional. Soul ties are powerful, they can either make or mar us depending on what category they fall under.

      Meaning of Soul Ties

      The Bible doesn't say much concerning soul ties. The common passage is: “The soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul” ( 1 Samuel 18:1 KJV). But the Holy Spirit was given to lead us to all truth. He enables us to know when something is right or wrong for us.

      Types of Soul Ties

      Whenever the term 'soul tie' get mentioned I get reminded of two biological associations (parasitism and symbiosis) which exist among living organisms. I seem to see how they reflect the two categories of soul ties.

      Parasitism involves two organisms(the parasite and the host), where the parasite benefits from and harms the host in the process. While the host gains nothing good from the parasite but destruction.

      Whereas, in symbiosis both organisms gain from each other and are not harmed in the process.

      1). Holy And Godly Soul ties: This can be likened to a symbiotic association. A holy soul tie comes with much benefit. Those involved do not suffer harm but benefit from the connection.
      The connection which existed between Johnathan and David was beneficial. Such kind of soul ties are often approved of God. For instance, our connection with the LORD as Christians is beneficial, not harmful. An holy soul tie is formed between couples.

      2). Ungodly or Unholy Soul ties: What word can perfectly fit the description of ungodly soul ties far better than 'Parasitic'? Maybe 'toxic' can be another fitting word. An ungodly soul tie in one's life is a parasite which is bent on eating up and destroying that individual if it's not check-mated on time.

      Ungodly soul ties are wrecking havoc in many lives today, even in the Church. And that's the very one we are addressing in this article.

      How Ungodly Soul Ties Are Formed

      Many believe that soul ties are formed through sex with people who are not their spouse and that's true but that's not all. Soul ties are formed either through:

      ● Sexual Immorality or
      ● Lust, Seduction And
      ● Ungodly Emotional connection.

      A). Soul ties formed through fornication or adultery are prevalent today. They eventually become a channel through which demons can pass garbage between two people and afflict them as long as possible.

      Having sexual relations (outside marriage) with someone means leaving a part of you in that person, and that person leaving a part of them in you. Be it part of their character, behaviour, temper, their demons and the list goes on.

      Some people find it difficult to let go of someone they once fornicated with before they got married to some other person, simply because an unholy soul tie was formed. Such soul tie needs to be broken.

      Demonic spirits as incubus and succubus (fondly called spiritual wife and spiritual husband) often gain access to lives via ungodly soul ties formed through sexual immorality.

      These demons can afflict their victims individually or as a couple. It's needful we mind what we're opening the door for through our actions.

      B). There are some who are married but cannot stop desiring to be with someone else. Some married men and women are lusting after someone else in the Church, in their office, school etc. The result is the formation of an ungodly soul tie which can also open doors to demonic attack and oppression in marriage.

      Some are just attracted to people they'll never be with in life and call it 'having a crush' on someone. Personally I am keen on killing that. No need to have a crush on me if I don't see a future with you. The earlier that attraction is broken before it becomes a soul tie, the better!

      The LORD wants us to stay far from sexual immorality not only so that we will make Heaven at last, but also because it's harmful to us while on Earth. 

      1 Peter 2:11 KJV
      Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;

      C). As I earlier said, the connection between Johnathan and David was beneficial. Today there are ungodly soul ties existing in Christendom among some 'fathers and mothers in the Lord' with their 'sons and daughters' which are very toxic. This is often initiated by the spirit of Jezebel.

      Jezebel is a manipulating, controlling and domineering spirit. These type of ungodly soul ties keep saints tied to a particular man or woman of God to the extent they begin worshipping unknowingly. Most times they are showered with expensive gifts so that they can remain loyal and tied to the man or woman of God even if they're sinning with them.

      I've heard and seen instances where married women listen to their 'man of God' more than their husband at home and take their every word but not that of their spouse. Same goes to men who revere 'their Prophetess' or female pastor more than their wife.

      They are all the signs of ungodly emotional connection.

      How To Break Ungodly Soul Ties

      1. Ask the LORD to enable you identify the soul tie.

      2. Make pronouncement against such soul tie and declare them destroyed by the Blood of Jesus.

      3. Stay away from whatever can possibly re-establish the soul tie.

      4. Keep your focus on Jesus.

      5. Stay filled with the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.

      6. Stay Prayerful.

      7. Desire God, not sin. Stay Pure.

      Ungodly soul ties can destroy one's life, marriage, name it. It is the will of the LORD that we regain our sanity and enjoy our liberty and victory in the HIM. Break that ungodly soul tie today! Amen! Remain Blessed.
      See Also

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