How To Overcome Nightmares and Lucid Dreaming

Christianity is not a bed of roses. Neither God nor His Word in the Holy Bible did promise us a challenge-free Christian life. We are in a battle field and every genuine Christian is involved, whether they know it or not.

    The enemy came to steal, to kill and destroy(John 10:10). And you'll find out that the Word of God never said we should deny his existence. The Holy Bible tells us that the enemy roams about like a roaring lion, looking for whom to devour and for that we shouldn't be ignorant of his devices.

    1 Peter 5:8 KJV
    Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

    2 Corinthians 2:11 KJV
    Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.

    As a matter of fact, nightmares get worse with those who deny the existence of the devil. We are instructed to know that he exists, recognize his assignment and devices, so that we'll know the right way to put him under our feet by the authority and power of God Almighty. It is easier to resist the enemy when we know his tactics and that is what the Bible instructs:

    1 Peter 5:9 KJV
    Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.
    Getting on Google, I tried to deduce the percentage of those who are victims of persistent nightmares and happened to find out that there are very many out there whose life the enemy has made living Hell through nightmares.

    This isn't limited to Christians, even unbelievers get weird nightmares in their sleep... or maybe some times the worst of it.

    It's funny and at the same time saddening to discover that doctors and psychologists also strive to proffer solutions to nightmares. I don't see this as a medical issue. Anti-depressant pills or whatever kind of medications and counselling from so-called 'experts' can not provide solutions to nightmares. Our weapons of warfare are not carnal (2 Corinthians 10:4).

    What Nightmares Actually Are

    Simply put, nightmares are what many term as "bad dreams". They always tend to leave many in fear, shock, sadness and depression. Many resort to medical and psychological treatments for nightmares but they can bear me witness that these do not work.

    By estimation, more than 90% of nightmares people experience are from the enemy, not from diet or stress. One of the strategies of the enemy is striving to make many believe he doesn't exist, so that he can operate under-cover to execute evil unhindered.

    I personally had been a victim of persistent nightmares in the past. But today, I can no longer call them nightmares but challenges which I always overcome through the Grace and Power of our LORD Jesus Christ.

    It is needful to note that as Christians, we are subject to attacks from the enemy so long we're still on this present Earth. Bad dreams are among the ways through which the attacks are launched against us. But we're victorious through Christ... halleluyah!

    Nightmares are not good, especially when people are the ones who are overcome by them and not the other way round. Anything that affects us negatively spiritually also has negative impacts on our physical and biological composition.

    That is why at times when people fall sick after series of persistent nightmares and go for tests in medical centres, they are told that nothing is wrong with them. But right within them, they know and feel that all is not right.

    Many do resort to traditional healers, voodoo priests and warlocks for solution to their persistent nightmares, but that is like jumping from frying pan into the fire. We can't find solutions to our problems in the wrong places.

    The menace of nightmares must be overcome; they must be stopped. That is the will of our LORD Jesus Christ for everyone on Earth. But we can not get the solution anywhere else apart from Him. He is the Deliverer; the only One who provides the best and permanent solution to spiritual problems.

    Nightmares Come In Divers Forms

    Nightmares come in diverse forms, some of which include the following:

    1). Sleep Paralysis: That is what science calls it, so let us borrow the term. The most common form of nightmares are sleep paralysis. People tend to get half-awake to feel a spiritual force or pressure pinning them to the bed and striving to strangle life out of them. A demon, witch or warlock is always responsible for sleep Paralysis.

    By God's Grace I'll say more on this in a separate blog post. I suggest you subscribe to our mailing list if you’re interested so that you don't miss it. Don't forget to look in your inbox and click on the confirmation link after subscribing.

    2). Eating In Dreams: This also is very common. Many people eat in their dreams every night. This is called dream poisoning. What they eat are not food but spiritual poison purposed to reduce their spiritual life to zero level and possibly harm them.

    The major reason why people find it difficult to overcome this is due to having a weak spirit-man. And the enemy strives to weaken that spirit-man the more through dream poisoning so that they can never break out of it.

    What works here is getting our spirit-man equipped enough to reject dream food and those dreams will diminish with time. That actually happens by much Infilling of the Holy Spirit, staying in the Word, Fasting And Prayers etc. These things build up our spirit-man.

    3). Having Sexual Relations In Dreams: People will rarely admit this one. But most times, problems shared can be problems solved.

    The enemy is ready to take attacks to any level in order to achieve his three-pronged assignment of coming to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10).

    This form of attack is always against one's destiny and blessings, and therefore must be treated seriously!

    How To Overcome Nightmares

    ●  Get Saved: If you’re reading this article and you've not yet genuinely accepted Jesus Christ as your personal LORD and Saviour, know that it is the first and most vital step to your deliverance.

    Romans 10:8-10 KJV
    But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; [9] That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. [10] For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

    ●  Submit To God: We must submit to God in order to overcome the enemy. Satan likes those who are God's disobedient children because he knows they are always an easier catch.

    James 4:7 KJV
    Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

    ●  Invite The LORD To Take Over Your Battle: This doesn't mean you shouldn't pray. But you're only letting the LORD know you can't do it by your own strength and He'll go before you and fight for you while you remain prayerful.

    Constantly Feed Your Spirit: If our spirit-man is healthy, we'll always remain victorious over all devices of the enemy, including nightmares. Start making feeding your spirit man a priority today, not the flesh. When we're sleeping the flesh won't be of any help when the enemy strikes. It will probably be fast asleep.

    For more on this, I recommend you get my eBook, "PRAYERS THAT CRUSH WITCHCRAFT OPPRESSION". It goes for $2.99 only, on SmashWords. You can also get it through bank deposit if you’re in Nigeria or South Africa. Make sure you get it if you feel you need it. You won't regret you did.


    Stay in Word of God, stay prayerful. Consecrate your entire being unto the LORD. Don't give the enemy a foothold in your life by being disobedient to God. Give the LORD the right of way to take over your battle while you keep doing what He wants you to do. Then watch every form of attack from the enemy become a walk-over. May your deliverance be permanent in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

    Stay Pure, by His Grace. Remain Blessed.

    How To Overcome Nightmares and Lucid Dreaming

    How To Overcome Nightmares and Lucid Dreaming

    Christianity is not a bed of roses. Neither God nor His Word in the Holy Bible did promise us a challenge-free Christian life. We are in a battle field and every genuine Christian is involved, whether they know it or not.

      The enemy came to steal, to kill and destroy(John 10:10). And you'll find out that the Word of God never said we should deny his existence. The Holy Bible tells us that the enemy roams about like a roaring lion, looking for whom to devour and for that we shouldn't be ignorant of his devices.

      1 Peter 5:8 KJV
      Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

      2 Corinthians 2:11 KJV
      Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.

      As a matter of fact, nightmares get worse with those who deny the existence of the devil. We are instructed to know that he exists, recognize his assignment and devices, so that we'll know the right way to put him under our feet by the authority and power of God Almighty. It is easier to resist the enemy when we know his tactics and that is what the Bible instructs:

      1 Peter 5:9 KJV
      Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.
      Getting on Google, I tried to deduce the percentage of those who are victims of persistent nightmares and happened to find out that there are very many out there whose life the enemy has made living Hell through nightmares.

      This isn't limited to Christians, even unbelievers get weird nightmares in their sleep... or maybe some times the worst of it.

      It's funny and at the same time saddening to discover that doctors and psychologists also strive to proffer solutions to nightmares. I don't see this as a medical issue. Anti-depressant pills or whatever kind of medications and counselling from so-called 'experts' can not provide solutions to nightmares. Our weapons of warfare are not carnal (2 Corinthians 10:4).

      What Nightmares Actually Are

      Simply put, nightmares are what many term as "bad dreams". They always tend to leave many in fear, shock, sadness and depression. Many resort to medical and psychological treatments for nightmares but they can bear me witness that these do not work.

      By estimation, more than 90% of nightmares people experience are from the enemy, not from diet or stress. One of the strategies of the enemy is striving to make many believe he doesn't exist, so that he can operate under-cover to execute evil unhindered.

      I personally had been a victim of persistent nightmares in the past. But today, I can no longer call them nightmares but challenges which I always overcome through the Grace and Power of our LORD Jesus Christ.

      It is needful to note that as Christians, we are subject to attacks from the enemy so long we're still on this present Earth. Bad dreams are among the ways through which the attacks are launched against us. But we're victorious through Christ... halleluyah!

      Nightmares are not good, especially when people are the ones who are overcome by them and not the other way round. Anything that affects us negatively spiritually also has negative impacts on our physical and biological composition.

      That is why at times when people fall sick after series of persistent nightmares and go for tests in medical centres, they are told that nothing is wrong with them. But right within them, they know and feel that all is not right.

      Many do resort to traditional healers, voodoo priests and warlocks for solution to their persistent nightmares, but that is like jumping from frying pan into the fire. We can't find solutions to our problems in the wrong places.

      The menace of nightmares must be overcome; they must be stopped. That is the will of our LORD Jesus Christ for everyone on Earth. But we can not get the solution anywhere else apart from Him. He is the Deliverer; the only One who provides the best and permanent solution to spiritual problems.

      Nightmares Come In Divers Forms

      Nightmares come in diverse forms, some of which include the following:

      1). Sleep Paralysis: That is what science calls it, so let us borrow the term. The most common form of nightmares are sleep paralysis. People tend to get half-awake to feel a spiritual force or pressure pinning them to the bed and striving to strangle life out of them. A demon, witch or warlock is always responsible for sleep Paralysis.

      By God's Grace I'll say more on this in a separate blog post. I suggest you subscribe to our mailing list if you’re interested so that you don't miss it. Don't forget to look in your inbox and click on the confirmation link after subscribing.

      2). Eating In Dreams: This also is very common. Many people eat in their dreams every night. This is called dream poisoning. What they eat are not food but spiritual poison purposed to reduce their spiritual life to zero level and possibly harm them.

      The major reason why people find it difficult to overcome this is due to having a weak spirit-man. And the enemy strives to weaken that spirit-man the more through dream poisoning so that they can never break out of it.

      What works here is getting our spirit-man equipped enough to reject dream food and those dreams will diminish with time. That actually happens by much Infilling of the Holy Spirit, staying in the Word, Fasting And Prayers etc. These things build up our spirit-man.

      3). Having Sexual Relations In Dreams: People will rarely admit this one. But most times, problems shared can be problems solved.

      The enemy is ready to take attacks to any level in order to achieve his three-pronged assignment of coming to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10).

      This form of attack is always against one's destiny and blessings, and therefore must be treated seriously!

      How To Overcome Nightmares

      ●  Get Saved: If you’re reading this article and you've not yet genuinely accepted Jesus Christ as your personal LORD and Saviour, know that it is the first and most vital step to your deliverance.

      Romans 10:8-10 KJV
      But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; [9] That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. [10] For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

      ●  Submit To God: We must submit to God in order to overcome the enemy. Satan likes those who are God's disobedient children because he knows they are always an easier catch.

      James 4:7 KJV
      Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

      ●  Invite The LORD To Take Over Your Battle: This doesn't mean you shouldn't pray. But you're only letting the LORD know you can't do it by your own strength and He'll go before you and fight for you while you remain prayerful.

      Constantly Feed Your Spirit: If our spirit-man is healthy, we'll always remain victorious over all devices of the enemy, including nightmares. Start making feeding your spirit man a priority today, not the flesh. When we're sleeping the flesh won't be of any help when the enemy strikes. It will probably be fast asleep.

      For more on this, I recommend you get my eBook, "PRAYERS THAT CRUSH WITCHCRAFT OPPRESSION". It goes for $2.99 only, on SmashWords. You can also get it through bank deposit if you’re in Nigeria or South Africa. Make sure you get it if you feel you need it. You won't regret you did.


      Stay in Word of God, stay prayerful. Consecrate your entire being unto the LORD. Don't give the enemy a foothold in your life by being disobedient to God. Give the LORD the right of way to take over your battle while you keep doing what He wants you to do. Then watch every form of attack from the enemy become a walk-over. May your deliverance be permanent in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

      Stay Pure, by His Grace. Remain Blessed.
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