How To Overcome Sleep Paralysis

    Pressed down on the bed by an invisible and scary spiritual force while asleep, that's one of the things many dread going to bed for. Even while sleeping during the day, at times it happens.

    Why Sleep Paralysis?

    For some, the experience has become like a routine, so they rather stay up watching TV and wishing sleep doesn't come, only for them to fall asleep and bam... it strikes again! They're up again just within minutes and can't go back to sleep till daybreak.

    This shouldn't sound new to most of you, it's common even among Christians. By estimation, more than 70% of humans on Earth do experience it. Science calls it sleep paralysis. But it's almost always totally futile trying to figure out spiritual realities by scientific observations, experiments and deductions. Scientists do not have a genuine and lasting solution to it either; Only JESUS CHRIST does.

     Sadly that's the case for some; they dread their home and sleep at a friend's or neighbour's place at night.

    What Causes Sleep Paralysis

     The answer is simple: demons, witches and warlocks. The devil takes pleasure in doing evil, whether it benefits him or not.

     But woe to them! The LORD says. There shall be no peace for the wicked, especially those who find pleasure in denying themselves sleep in order to make life hell on Earth for an innocent soul.

    Micah 2:1 KJV Woe to them that devise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds! when the morning is light, they practise it, because it is in the power of their hand. 

     Sleep Paralysis is a direct attack from the enemy. Though I can't conclude on why it's carried out, it's safe to say that's it's meant to steal the peace of innocent people and make their life miserable.

     The enemy came to steal, to kill and to destroy (John 10:10), but it is the will of our LORD Jesus Christ that we overcome every device of the enemy and keep him where he belongs: under our feet.

    How To Overcome Sleep Paralysis

    The world itself is a spiritual battle-field, even unbelievers are involved, whether they know it or not. It's not until one becomes a Christian before they can undergo spiritual attacks. There are unbelievers whose dream life are so terrible. If you experience sleep paralysis, applying below guidelines will be of great help.

     1). GET SAVED: The first step towards overcoming sleep paralysis is to genuinely get saved. The foundation of your victory is your salvation.

     Romans 10:8-10 KJV But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; [9] That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. [10] For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 

    So give your life to Christ. Once you are His, all attacks from the enemy will become a walk-over.

     2). MAKE SURE YOU'RE LIVING A HOLY LIFE: The opposite only opens the door for more attacks from the enemy and he won't leave because one gives him the right to be there by living in sin.

     When we're totally consecrated and obedient to God, the enemy attacks will be counted as trespass and always punishable. So in that state, he can not touch such people when he wants. Even when he attempts to, he will always flee when they give the command by the Authority of Christ!

     James 4:7 KJV Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 

    3). GET HOME CLEANSING DONE: Some homes and certain geographical locations are residents for demons due to one reason or the other. If you experience increased demonic attack, get your home cleansed through a genuine servant of God, if you can't do it yourself.

    Some people do move into apartments which they have no idea who lived there before them or what happened. They end up having terrible nightmares. That makes getting the apartment cleansed a necessity. A territory occupied by a true child of God shouldn't be a living place for evil entities. Light dispels darkness.

    4). GET PRAYERFUL: Be it witches, demons or whatever they call themselves, they all hate prayer. Attacks may intensify but they'll definitely back off because no evil can stand God's Power released through prayer.

    Anyone who doesn't pray is an easy prey for the enemy and his cohorts.

    5). GET OTHER BRETHREN TO PRAY FOR YOU: Asking for prayers from other brethren is always helpful. Don't underestimate the power of two or more Christians praying for you. It can do wonders.

    6). THE MOVIES YOU WATCH: So your children saw the latest horror movie CD at the mall and insisted that you should get it and you did. These kind of movies attract evil spirits to a home.

    So if you enjoy watching these trending zombies and vampire movies with your children, you're making your home a haunted hotspot.

     Neither you nor children deserve having terrible nightmares due to movies, so watch the right things on TV. Get rid of ungodly movies from your home.

    7). PRAY AND ANOINT YOUR APARTMENT BEFORE YOU GO TO BED: You may not see what's hanging at the window or tree close to the house and waiting for the family to go to bed. So it's safe to always ensure that your apartment is spiritually safe before going to bed.

     Something may had attracted some evil energy during the day. Pray, take authority over the apartment and the surroundings, anoint your apartment before you go to bed. Ask the Holy Spirit to take over. That will always put off these entities and let you have a sound sleep.

    8). GET RID OF FEAR: Whatever one fears is what happens. And wishes also do have power. Before I go to bed I always have it at the back of my mind that whatever comes for me I'm gonna teach it a lesson. And that's what always happens. We've been given the power. These things are under our feet and they should be afraid of us, not the other way round.

    Luke 10:19 KJV Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. 

     What you have at the back of your mind immediately before dozing off has 90% possibility of coming to pass when you sleep. So let it not be fear of the unknown.

    9). STUDY, MEDITATE ON AND SPEAK THE WORD: The Word of God is powerful. Psalms of David pertaining to God's protection are still powerful. Read them out loud before going to bed. You'll sure have God's edge of protection.

    10). DON'T FORGET TO ALWAYS APPLY THE BLOOD OF JESUS: The Blood of Jesus Christ is still active and powerful. No force of Hell can stand it. Apply it lavishly.

    11). YOU CAN BREAK OUT OF IT BY THINKING OR CALLING THE NAME OF JESUS: This works for many, including unbelievers, but for some it doesn't because they neither have faith nor saved. But if you’re not yet saved and it works for you, that is not all. Get saved so that you will make heaven.

    Mentioning or even thinking the name of Jesus has been known to always break the grip of sleep paralysis when it happens. They will always leave immediately if you have the authority to use that name.

    Final Words

    Jesus Christ is the only One who can deliver man from all attacks of the enemy. We must learn to make Him our focus, and invite Him into our battle. On our own we can do it but with Him all things are possible.

     We're victorious through Christ. We're seated with Him in Heavenly places. Know and always use your Authority in Him. Don't bring yourself down to the devil's level by disobeying God.

     Go on and enjoy your eternal victory through Christ! Amen!

    How To Overcome Sleep Paralysis

    How To Overcome Sleep Paralysis

      Pressed down on the bed by an invisible and scary spiritual force while asleep, that's one of the things many dread going to bed for. Even while sleeping during the day, at times it happens.

      Why Sleep Paralysis?

      For some, the experience has become like a routine, so they rather stay up watching TV and wishing sleep doesn't come, only for them to fall asleep and bam... it strikes again! They're up again just within minutes and can't go back to sleep till daybreak.

      This shouldn't sound new to most of you, it's common even among Christians. By estimation, more than 70% of humans on Earth do experience it. Science calls it sleep paralysis. But it's almost always totally futile trying to figure out spiritual realities by scientific observations, experiments and deductions. Scientists do not have a genuine and lasting solution to it either; Only JESUS CHRIST does.

       Sadly that's the case for some; they dread their home and sleep at a friend's or neighbour's place at night.

      What Causes Sleep Paralysis

       The answer is simple: demons, witches and warlocks. The devil takes pleasure in doing evil, whether it benefits him or not.

       But woe to them! The LORD says. There shall be no peace for the wicked, especially those who find pleasure in denying themselves sleep in order to make life hell on Earth for an innocent soul.

      Micah 2:1 KJV Woe to them that devise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds! when the morning is light, they practise it, because it is in the power of their hand. 

       Sleep Paralysis is a direct attack from the enemy. Though I can't conclude on why it's carried out, it's safe to say that's it's meant to steal the peace of innocent people and make their life miserable.

       The enemy came to steal, to kill and to destroy (John 10:10), but it is the will of our LORD Jesus Christ that we overcome every device of the enemy and keep him where he belongs: under our feet.

      How To Overcome Sleep Paralysis

      The world itself is a spiritual battle-field, even unbelievers are involved, whether they know it or not. It's not until one becomes a Christian before they can undergo spiritual attacks. There are unbelievers whose dream life are so terrible. If you experience sleep paralysis, applying below guidelines will be of great help.

       1). GET SAVED: The first step towards overcoming sleep paralysis is to genuinely get saved. The foundation of your victory is your salvation.

       Romans 10:8-10 KJV But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; [9] That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. [10] For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 

      So give your life to Christ. Once you are His, all attacks from the enemy will become a walk-over.

       2). MAKE SURE YOU'RE LIVING A HOLY LIFE: The opposite only opens the door for more attacks from the enemy and he won't leave because one gives him the right to be there by living in sin.

       When we're totally consecrated and obedient to God, the enemy attacks will be counted as trespass and always punishable. So in that state, he can not touch such people when he wants. Even when he attempts to, he will always flee when they give the command by the Authority of Christ!

       James 4:7 KJV Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 

      3). GET HOME CLEANSING DONE: Some homes and certain geographical locations are residents for demons due to one reason or the other. If you experience increased demonic attack, get your home cleansed through a genuine servant of God, if you can't do it yourself.

      Some people do move into apartments which they have no idea who lived there before them or what happened. They end up having terrible nightmares. That makes getting the apartment cleansed a necessity. A territory occupied by a true child of God shouldn't be a living place for evil entities. Light dispels darkness.

      4). GET PRAYERFUL: Be it witches, demons or whatever they call themselves, they all hate prayer. Attacks may intensify but they'll definitely back off because no evil can stand God's Power released through prayer.

      Anyone who doesn't pray is an easy prey for the enemy and his cohorts.

      5). GET OTHER BRETHREN TO PRAY FOR YOU: Asking for prayers from other brethren is always helpful. Don't underestimate the power of two or more Christians praying for you. It can do wonders.

      6). THE MOVIES YOU WATCH: So your children saw the latest horror movie CD at the mall and insisted that you should get it and you did. These kind of movies attract evil spirits to a home.

      So if you enjoy watching these trending zombies and vampire movies with your children, you're making your home a haunted hotspot.

       Neither you nor children deserve having terrible nightmares due to movies, so watch the right things on TV. Get rid of ungodly movies from your home.

      7). PRAY AND ANOINT YOUR APARTMENT BEFORE YOU GO TO BED: You may not see what's hanging at the window or tree close to the house and waiting for the family to go to bed. So it's safe to always ensure that your apartment is spiritually safe before going to bed.

       Something may had attracted some evil energy during the day. Pray, take authority over the apartment and the surroundings, anoint your apartment before you go to bed. Ask the Holy Spirit to take over. That will always put off these entities and let you have a sound sleep.

      8). GET RID OF FEAR: Whatever one fears is what happens. And wishes also do have power. Before I go to bed I always have it at the back of my mind that whatever comes for me I'm gonna teach it a lesson. And that's what always happens. We've been given the power. These things are under our feet and they should be afraid of us, not the other way round.

      Luke 10:19 KJV Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. 

       What you have at the back of your mind immediately before dozing off has 90% possibility of coming to pass when you sleep. So let it not be fear of the unknown.

      9). STUDY, MEDITATE ON AND SPEAK THE WORD: The Word of God is powerful. Psalms of David pertaining to God's protection are still powerful. Read them out loud before going to bed. You'll sure have God's edge of protection.

      10). DON'T FORGET TO ALWAYS APPLY THE BLOOD OF JESUS: The Blood of Jesus Christ is still active and powerful. No force of Hell can stand it. Apply it lavishly.

      11). YOU CAN BREAK OUT OF IT BY THINKING OR CALLING THE NAME OF JESUS: This works for many, including unbelievers, but for some it doesn't because they neither have faith nor saved. But if you’re not yet saved and it works for you, that is not all. Get saved so that you will make heaven.

      Mentioning or even thinking the name of Jesus has been known to always break the grip of sleep paralysis when it happens. They will always leave immediately if you have the authority to use that name.

      Final Words

      Jesus Christ is the only One who can deliver man from all attacks of the enemy. We must learn to make Him our focus, and invite Him into our battle. On our own we can do it but with Him all things are possible.

       We're victorious through Christ. We're seated with Him in Heavenly places. Know and always use your Authority in Him. Don't bring yourself down to the devil's level by disobeying God.

       Go on and enjoy your eternal victory through Christ! Amen!
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