How To Break Free From Pornography

Psalm 119:37 KJV
Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity; and quicken thou me in thy way.
How To Break Addiction To Pornography: By estimation, nine out of every ten persons (both male and female) will admit to have once heard about the word "pornography" or viewed a graphic image or video (whether intentionally or unintentionally).

    We grow up in a society filled with moral decadence; a place where we're bombarded which sinful sights on daily basis. The rate at which pornography is being circulated and consumed by the world today is quite alarming. It has turned the porn industry into a lucrative business venture with uninterrupted cash-flow.

    When I tried checking on my blog's ranking this morning at SEMrush, I was surprised to see that up to 3 porn sites were listed among the first 15 websites with the highest traffic, alongside Google and Facebook.

    Viewers and customers of porn are not only limited to the heathen. Christians are among the various groups of people who view porn on daily basis. Many get introduced to it at a very tender age through peer influence, family or other sources. It was never their intention. And they never knew it can get as bad. Like drugs, they gradually got addicted to it, only to realise that it becomes a problem in life; a problem to one's spiritual growth and relationship with the LORD.

    Why You Don't Need Pornography

    Spiritually, pornography is a tool in the hands of the enemy which he uses to sow more evil seeds in people. One of his overall goals is to do his best to ensure people become more sinful and evil everyday, in reverse to what God is doing. We are not ignorant of the devices of the enemy and we can't afford to bring down ourselves to his level, to be ruled and ruined by him through porn. Any Christian who hasn't overcome the addiction to porn or isn't making serious efforts to overcome it isn't ready to grow spiritually, have they best relationship they can have with the LORD, walk in His promises and blessings and be used of Him to the fullest.

    It's medically proven that porn has negative effects on the human brain. According to researchers, when people view pornography, a hormone called dopamine is released in the brain which is responsible for emotions and learning. The more pornography that gets consumed, the more dopamine that is needed to produce the 'high' feeling, just like in drug addicts. This causes people to go for more and more porn. We can now see that the addiction to porn isn't different from addiction to drugs. More porn simply means more demand for dopamine by the brain. And it gets to a point where the brain gets exhausted and stops producing dopamine. This causes the individual to go unsatisfied no matter how much porn they watch and seek out different means to satisfy their desire. This is where self-pleasure comes in.

    If dopamine is also responsible for learning, then that directly tells us that pornography (and fornication in general) affects retentive memory! Uh... Did I just say that? The brain is the control room of the human body. Anything which affects the brain affects the entire person and makes them less-productive, academically and otherwise! No wonder the bible says that fornication means sinning against the body(1 Corinthians 6:18). I believe there are many reasons (some of which man doesn't know yet) why God demands that we stay away from sin. Not just so that we make Heaven, but also that we have good health and long life.

    Pornography is a killer. It kills dreams, plans, relationships, marriages and destinies if allowed to rule one's life. There are presently many Christians who are faced with the challenge of successfully breaking away from the addiction to porn. If you’re one of them, know that you're not in the struggle alone. The LORD desires the best for us. He is willing to set you free if you’re ready. Keenly follow the words on this blog post because it will help you in one way or the other, I believe!

    How To Break Free From Porn

    1 Corinthians 6:12 “All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be dominated by anything.

    It is the will of the LORD that we break free from whatever is holding us back from being our best on Earth, pleasing Him and making Heaven. That should also be the desire of every genuine Christian. God is always steps ahead of everything the enemy does to keep His Church from staying unspotted. No addiction is too hard for God to set us free from! Jesus Christ is the deliverer and He has made provision for all that we need to get free and stay free. We just have to harness them!

    1). GET SAVED: Let me use this opportunity to say that if you are not saved, you may not gain much from the teachings on this blog. Your deliverance starts from your salvation. You have to accept Jesus Christ into your life as your personal LORD and Saviour and be born again (John 3:4-7).

    2). RENEW THE MIND: The mind is the place from where thoughts emanate. Every action we take and decision we make on daily basis emanate from the mind. God speaks to the mind that has been renewed and trained to know His voice. Voices of the flesh and of the enemy also suggests sin to the mind.

    If anyone desires to break their addiction to pornography, renewing their mind is one great step towards achieving that. The mind is renewed by studying the Word of God on daily basis and watching over our thoughts so that we center our thinking only on godly and holy thoughts.

    Romans 12:2 KJV
    And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

    Philippians 4:8 KJV
    Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

    Having a mind that has been modified by the world and sin to think only unholy thoughts will also lead us to unholy actions. When the flesh or the enemy suggests a thought to sin, if the individual dwells on that thought, it births a desire that further compels a sin action. And there is 90% possibility that the individual will put that thought into action.
    James 1:14 KJV
    But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.. 

    The human mind seems completx but it isn't. We can understand and make it work the way God designed it to, not to our own destruction.

    3). GET BAPTISED IN AND FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT: Breaking free from the addiction to pornography is not by our strength. It's a matter of following scriptural principles through the strength and Grace supplied by the Holy Spirit. Mountains are removed only by Grace from the Holy Spirit (Zechariah 4:6-7). Staying filled with the Holy Spirit is directly proportional to having the ability to live holy.

    4). STAY PRAYED UP: We need much prayer to stay pure in today's world. Every genuine Christian who desires to stay pure, please God and become all that He destined them to be must become a prayer warrior. That's not debatable.

    5). STAY AWAY FROM UNGODLY MOVIES AND PLACES: This is basic. Prayer isn't enough. One must make deliberate decisions and take actions that will guarantee their total freedom. We can't pray and continue viewing porn and hope to be free from it. The point is to hate the sin that you want to be free from. What we want from the internet is what we get. Use your gadgets for productive things.
    1 Thessalonians 5:22 KJV
    Abstain from all appearance of evil.

    6). SEEK MORE COUNSELLING AND DELIVERANCE: Yes, the last but not the least. Though I believe if we follow what the Word says, we will have no need for deliverance from another man. The Holy Spirit is the best counsellor; Jesus Christ is the deliverer.

    If we get serious with God, we'll see chains begin to fall off our life one after the other till we become totally free from every shackle of darkness. My Prayer is that the LORD uses this piece to deliver, restore and bless someone reading it. Amen!

    Please Share! God bless you.

    How To Break Addiction To Pornography

    How To Break Free From Pornography

    Psalm 119:37 KJV
    Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity; and quicken thou me in thy way.
    How To Break Addiction To Pornography: By estimation, nine out of every ten persons (both male and female) will admit to have once heard about the word "pornography" or viewed a graphic image or video (whether intentionally or unintentionally).

      We grow up in a society filled with moral decadence; a place where we're bombarded which sinful sights on daily basis. The rate at which pornography is being circulated and consumed by the world today is quite alarming. It has turned the porn industry into a lucrative business venture with uninterrupted cash-flow.

      When I tried checking on my blog's ranking this morning at SEMrush, I was surprised to see that up to 3 porn sites were listed among the first 15 websites with the highest traffic, alongside Google and Facebook.

      Viewers and customers of porn are not only limited to the heathen. Christians are among the various groups of people who view porn on daily basis. Many get introduced to it at a very tender age through peer influence, family or other sources. It was never their intention. And they never knew it can get as bad. Like drugs, they gradually got addicted to it, only to realise that it becomes a problem in life; a problem to one's spiritual growth and relationship with the LORD.

      Why You Don't Need Pornography

      Spiritually, pornography is a tool in the hands of the enemy which he uses to sow more evil seeds in people. One of his overall goals is to do his best to ensure people become more sinful and evil everyday, in reverse to what God is doing. We are not ignorant of the devices of the enemy and we can't afford to bring down ourselves to his level, to be ruled and ruined by him through porn. Any Christian who hasn't overcome the addiction to porn or isn't making serious efforts to overcome it isn't ready to grow spiritually, have they best relationship they can have with the LORD, walk in His promises and blessings and be used of Him to the fullest.

      It's medically proven that porn has negative effects on the human brain. According to researchers, when people view pornography, a hormone called dopamine is released in the brain which is responsible for emotions and learning. The more pornography that gets consumed, the more dopamine that is needed to produce the 'high' feeling, just like in drug addicts. This causes people to go for more and more porn. We can now see that the addiction to porn isn't different from addiction to drugs. More porn simply means more demand for dopamine by the brain. And it gets to a point where the brain gets exhausted and stops producing dopamine. This causes the individual to go unsatisfied no matter how much porn they watch and seek out different means to satisfy their desire. This is where self-pleasure comes in.

      If dopamine is also responsible for learning, then that directly tells us that pornography (and fornication in general) affects retentive memory! Uh... Did I just say that? The brain is the control room of the human body. Anything which affects the brain affects the entire person and makes them less-productive, academically and otherwise! No wonder the bible says that fornication means sinning against the body(1 Corinthians 6:18). I believe there are many reasons (some of which man doesn't know yet) why God demands that we stay away from sin. Not just so that we make Heaven, but also that we have good health and long life.

      Pornography is a killer. It kills dreams, plans, relationships, marriages and destinies if allowed to rule one's life. There are presently many Christians who are faced with the challenge of successfully breaking away from the addiction to porn. If you’re one of them, know that you're not in the struggle alone. The LORD desires the best for us. He is willing to set you free if you’re ready. Keenly follow the words on this blog post because it will help you in one way or the other, I believe!

      How To Break Free From Porn

      1 Corinthians 6:12 “All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be dominated by anything.

      It is the will of the LORD that we break free from whatever is holding us back from being our best on Earth, pleasing Him and making Heaven. That should also be the desire of every genuine Christian. God is always steps ahead of everything the enemy does to keep His Church from staying unspotted. No addiction is too hard for God to set us free from! Jesus Christ is the deliverer and He has made provision for all that we need to get free and stay free. We just have to harness them!

      1). GET SAVED: Let me use this opportunity to say that if you are not saved, you may not gain much from the teachings on this blog. Your deliverance starts from your salvation. You have to accept Jesus Christ into your life as your personal LORD and Saviour and be born again (John 3:4-7).

      2). RENEW THE MIND: The mind is the place from where thoughts emanate. Every action we take and decision we make on daily basis emanate from the mind. God speaks to the mind that has been renewed and trained to know His voice. Voices of the flesh and of the enemy also suggests sin to the mind.

      If anyone desires to break their addiction to pornography, renewing their mind is one great step towards achieving that. The mind is renewed by studying the Word of God on daily basis and watching over our thoughts so that we center our thinking only on godly and holy thoughts.

      Romans 12:2 KJV
      And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

      Philippians 4:8 KJV
      Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

      Having a mind that has been modified by the world and sin to think only unholy thoughts will also lead us to unholy actions. When the flesh or the enemy suggests a thought to sin, if the individual dwells on that thought, it births a desire that further compels a sin action. And there is 90% possibility that the individual will put that thought into action.
      James 1:14 KJV
      But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.. 

      The human mind seems completx but it isn't. We can understand and make it work the way God designed it to, not to our own destruction.

      3). GET BAPTISED IN AND FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT: Breaking free from the addiction to pornography is not by our strength. It's a matter of following scriptural principles through the strength and Grace supplied by the Holy Spirit. Mountains are removed only by Grace from the Holy Spirit (Zechariah 4:6-7). Staying filled with the Holy Spirit is directly proportional to having the ability to live holy.

      4). STAY PRAYED UP: We need much prayer to stay pure in today's world. Every genuine Christian who desires to stay pure, please God and become all that He destined them to be must become a prayer warrior. That's not debatable.

      5). STAY AWAY FROM UNGODLY MOVIES AND PLACES: This is basic. Prayer isn't enough. One must make deliberate decisions and take actions that will guarantee their total freedom. We can't pray and continue viewing porn and hope to be free from it. The point is to hate the sin that you want to be free from. What we want from the internet is what we get. Use your gadgets for productive things.
      1 Thessalonians 5:22 KJV
      Abstain from all appearance of evil.

      6). SEEK MORE COUNSELLING AND DELIVERANCE: Yes, the last but not the least. Though I believe if we follow what the Word says, we will have no need for deliverance from another man. The Holy Spirit is the best counsellor; Jesus Christ is the deliverer.

      If we get serious with God, we'll see chains begin to fall off our life one after the other till we become totally free from every shackle of darkness. My Prayer is that the LORD uses this piece to deliver, restore and bless someone reading it. Amen!

      Please Share! God bless you.
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