
The advent of the internet is one revolution in the history of mankind that launched the world into a whole new dimension of living.

    After the online world took a more recognisable form in 1990, much have so far been made possible and achieved through it. Almost every person on the planet with a device that can access the internet have been connected globally. Access to information at anytime and from any location has been made really easy.

    Then internet quickly became a vice in the hands of the kingdom of darkness to perpetrate more sin and evil on earth. While the children of darkness swiftly harnessed the power of the internet to pull more souls into hell, the church kicked against it and brought up so many ideologies to discourage Christians from harnessing it for Kingdom business. And it's safe to say that the children of darkness are wiser!

    Even today, there are still strange ideologies in different Christian circles surrounding and discouraging the use of the internet by believers.

    The Internet Is God's

    Psalm 24:1 KJV
    The earth is the Lord's , and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.

    Some people are always too quick to attribute everything to the devil. I wonder where they seem to place God in the whole picture! There's nothing that comes into existence on earth that is outside God's will and foreknowledge.

    The internet was long prepared by Heaven to exist and become a tool to propagate the gospel to the whole world in the last days.

    Matthew 24:14 KJV
    And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

    The Lord expects every Christian living in the last days to use the internet as a tool to pull souls from hell into the Kingdom.

    Get Yourself A Online Ministry

    Thanks to social media, we can all have our own pulpits on the internet and reach out to thousands of souls. I don't get why a Christian should be on social media but not using it for Kingdom business.

    The world sees social media as a good place to catch fun, but it shouldn't be so among Christians, since we understand that this present world is no place for fun. The kingdom of darkness is working tirelessly day and night, so why should Christians get online just to have fun? If that's all social media is all about, then I'd rather have no social media handle!

    He that wins souls is wise and I'll add that every end time Christian who uses social media to win souls is very wise!

    The internet is filled with both bad and good stuffs, no doubt. But Christians should know their boundaries and what is expected of them. What you seek on the internet is what you'll find.

    Embrace the internet and use it in a way that glorifies God. That is the will of the Lord for every Christian living in the last days!

    Excerpted from The End Time Christian Hell Dreads—an eBook by Edet A.A | Copyright 2019 iBlogGospel Publications | Available on this Website and Smashwords

    The Internet and the End Time Christian

    The advent of the internet is one revolution in the history of mankind that launched the world into a whole new dimension of living.

      After the online world took a more recognisable form in 1990, much have so far been made possible and achieved through it. Almost every person on the planet with a device that can access the internet have been connected globally. Access to information at anytime and from any location has been made really easy.

      Then internet quickly became a vice in the hands of the kingdom of darkness to perpetrate more sin and evil on earth. While the children of darkness swiftly harnessed the power of the internet to pull more souls into hell, the church kicked against it and brought up so many ideologies to discourage Christians from harnessing it for Kingdom business. And it's safe to say that the children of darkness are wiser!

      Even today, there are still strange ideologies in different Christian circles surrounding and discouraging the use of the internet by believers.

      The Internet Is God's

      Psalm 24:1 KJV
      The earth is the Lord's , and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.

      Some people are always too quick to attribute everything to the devil. I wonder where they seem to place God in the whole picture! There's nothing that comes into existence on earth that is outside God's will and foreknowledge.

      The internet was long prepared by Heaven to exist and become a tool to propagate the gospel to the whole world in the last days.

      Matthew 24:14 KJV
      And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

      The Lord expects every Christian living in the last days to use the internet as a tool to pull souls from hell into the Kingdom.

      Get Yourself A Online Ministry

      Thanks to social media, we can all have our own pulpits on the internet and reach out to thousands of souls. I don't get why a Christian should be on social media but not using it for Kingdom business.

      The world sees social media as a good place to catch fun, but it shouldn't be so among Christians, since we understand that this present world is no place for fun. The kingdom of darkness is working tirelessly day and night, so why should Christians get online just to have fun? If that's all social media is all about, then I'd rather have no social media handle!

      He that wins souls is wise and I'll add that every end time Christian who uses social media to win souls is very wise!

      The internet is filled with both bad and good stuffs, no doubt. But Christians should know their boundaries and what is expected of them. What you seek on the internet is what you'll find.

      Embrace the internet and use it in a way that glorifies God. That is the will of the Lord for every Christian living in the last days!

      Excerpted from The End Time Christian Hell Dreads—an eBook by Edet A.A | Copyright 2019 iBlogGospel Publications | Available on this Website and Smashwords
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