
Being a Christian means being Christ-like, and that alone comes with many responsibilities attached and expectations on our side. If we are called by His Name, we are expected to be like Him. God doesn't sleep, He works day and night to ensure that we are protected and provided for. We therefore have no excuse not to be the calibre of Christians He expects us to be.

Average is mediocre. Mediocrity means settling for the normal; settlings for the usual; average; not so good". An average Christian is a lukewarm Christian. The LORD said He will spew such out of His mouth (Revelation 3:16).

The mindset of an average Christian is that they don't have to carry God's work as if they're the only Christians in existence.

>> The average Christian knows what to do but waits for other Christians to do them.

>> The average Christian is afraid of the devil and what He'll do next.

>> Average Christians lack the zeal for service in the Kingdom. They live in a cocoon of self-pity.

>> They have unstable prayer and word study life. At times they are devotionless.

>> Average Christians are not steadfast in the faith. They easily lose hope and their grip on God when challenges arise. The just must live by faith (Hebrews 10:38).

>> They seek high places and seek to be known but don't want to seek a deep relationship with the LORD.

>> They are not committed to God and hence they can't earn His trust: God entrusts more only to those who earn His trust by being faithful in little. If we mal-handle the little He commits to us, then we shouldn't expect more.

This is not me trying to condemn anyone, but the life of an average Christian cries for serious help!

Some think they don't have to pray and study the word like that Pastor, Apostle or Prophet. "That man is always talking about Bible, prayer, Church and God... no, I don't want to be like that". But the truth is that God wants us to be more than that.

We don't have to wear big jackets, carry big bibles and pray on top of our voices before we can be seen as serious-minded Christians. That's hypocrisy. We don't have to look spiritual on the outside while our spirit man is dying on the inside. We must ensure that our righteousness exceeds that of the Scribes and Pharisees (Matthew 5:20).

To think that one can go too far with God in their walk of faith is a lie from the pit of Hell. God is vast, He's inexhaustible. His Word is vast. We can always get more and more. We've not gotten enough to assume we've gotten too much. So long we are still alive on Earth, as Christians, we haven't yet arrived.

If it's dangerous for Christians whom the LORD is using mightily to allow complacency slip into their lives, how much more an average Christian?

Late December 2017, the LORD spoke to me and said that Christians are not putting to use all that His Blood paid for. He went ahead to put me right within the picture of the current state of the Church and it was so saddening!

The LORD said in His Word that He has given us the authority to trample upon serpents and scorpions (Luke 10:19). The question is, how many of us are putting that authority to use? It's funny that today Christians are the ones who need deliverance more, when as a matter of fact, they should be the ones dishing out deliverance to sinners in the dying world.

In Jeremiah 1:10 the LORD states clearly why He plants us in the different geographical locations we are on Earth: to pluck up and breakdown (the works of darkness), to destroy and overthrow (principalities and powers within those regions) and to build and plant (God's Kingdom within those places). With average Christianity we can not achieve these.

The LORD hates mediocrity. If people are not complaining that you're taking your own Christianity too far; if they can not call you a Christian even without seeing you go to church or carry a Bible around, then you need to do self-introspection. If sinners are bold around us to the extent of summoning the courage to suggest sin to us, then we need to question how much light we are shining.

Being the sort of Christians the LORD wants us to be will always cause people speak concerning us. It creates ripples around us, in Heaven and in the Kingdom of darkness.

Average Christians are used as toys by the enemy, but the reverse is the case with a Christian who is on fire for God. What the LORD is doing and planning to do in and through the end time Church does not need average Christianity. It requires Christians who are too hot for the devil to handle.

The LORD is a consuming Fire. He doesn't produce average (lukewarm) Christians. He makes His ministers flames of fire (Hebrews 1:7).

We have been given the Grace to be and do all that He expects of us (Ephesians 4:7). We must make effective use of it.

Where and how did we lose our sharp-cutting edge? We are not guaranteed tomorrow. Everyday is another chance given to us to make a change. With the LORD's help we can retrieve the lost axe head, resharpen our cutting edge and get back to work in the vineyard while there is still time.

Remain Blessed.

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The State of an Average Christian in the End Time Church

Being a Christian means being Christ-like, and that alone comes with many responsibilities attached and expectations on our side. If we are called by His Name, we are expected to be like Him. God doesn't sleep, He works day and night to ensure that we are protected and provided for. We therefore have no excuse not to be the calibre of Christians He expects us to be.

Average is mediocre. Mediocrity means settling for the normal; settlings for the usual; average; not so good". An average Christian is a lukewarm Christian. The LORD said He will spew such out of His mouth (Revelation 3:16).

The mindset of an average Christian is that they don't have to carry God's work as if they're the only Christians in existence.

>> The average Christian knows what to do but waits for other Christians to do them.

>> The average Christian is afraid of the devil and what He'll do next.

>> Average Christians lack the zeal for service in the Kingdom. They live in a cocoon of self-pity.

>> They have unstable prayer and word study life. At times they are devotionless.

>> Average Christians are not steadfast in the faith. They easily lose hope and their grip on God when challenges arise. The just must live by faith (Hebrews 10:38).

>> They seek high places and seek to be known but don't want to seek a deep relationship with the LORD.

>> They are not committed to God and hence they can't earn His trust: God entrusts more only to those who earn His trust by being faithful in little. If we mal-handle the little He commits to us, then we shouldn't expect more.

This is not me trying to condemn anyone, but the life of an average Christian cries for serious help!

Some think they don't have to pray and study the word like that Pastor, Apostle or Prophet. "That man is always talking about Bible, prayer, Church and God... no, I don't want to be like that". But the truth is that God wants us to be more than that.

We don't have to wear big jackets, carry big bibles and pray on top of our voices before we can be seen as serious-minded Christians. That's hypocrisy. We don't have to look spiritual on the outside while our spirit man is dying on the inside. We must ensure that our righteousness exceeds that of the Scribes and Pharisees (Matthew 5:20).

To think that one can go too far with God in their walk of faith is a lie from the pit of Hell. God is vast, He's inexhaustible. His Word is vast. We can always get more and more. We've not gotten enough to assume we've gotten too much. So long we are still alive on Earth, as Christians, we haven't yet arrived.

If it's dangerous for Christians whom the LORD is using mightily to allow complacency slip into their lives, how much more an average Christian?

Late December 2017, the LORD spoke to me and said that Christians are not putting to use all that His Blood paid for. He went ahead to put me right within the picture of the current state of the Church and it was so saddening!

The LORD said in His Word that He has given us the authority to trample upon serpents and scorpions (Luke 10:19). The question is, how many of us are putting that authority to use? It's funny that today Christians are the ones who need deliverance more, when as a matter of fact, they should be the ones dishing out deliverance to sinners in the dying world.

In Jeremiah 1:10 the LORD states clearly why He plants us in the different geographical locations we are on Earth: to pluck up and breakdown (the works of darkness), to destroy and overthrow (principalities and powers within those regions) and to build and plant (God's Kingdom within those places). With average Christianity we can not achieve these.

The LORD hates mediocrity. If people are not complaining that you're taking your own Christianity too far; if they can not call you a Christian even without seeing you go to church or carry a Bible around, then you need to do self-introspection. If sinners are bold around us to the extent of summoning the courage to suggest sin to us, then we need to question how much light we are shining.

Being the sort of Christians the LORD wants us to be will always cause people speak concerning us. It creates ripples around us, in Heaven and in the Kingdom of darkness.

Average Christians are used as toys by the enemy, but the reverse is the case with a Christian who is on fire for God. What the LORD is doing and planning to do in and through the end time Church does not need average Christianity. It requires Christians who are too hot for the devil to handle.

The LORD is a consuming Fire. He doesn't produce average (lukewarm) Christians. He makes His ministers flames of fire (Hebrews 1:7).

We have been given the Grace to be and do all that He expects of us (Ephesians 4:7). We must make effective use of it.

Where and how did we lose our sharp-cutting edge? We are not guaranteed tomorrow. Everyday is another chance given to us to make a change. With the LORD's help we can retrieve the lost axe head, resharpen our cutting edge and get back to work in the vineyard while there is still time.

Remain Blessed.

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