How To Hear God's Voice

When I stayed in the Word to have GOD speak to me through it, He did speak, but that was just a step forward. I was expected to take another leap forward by learning to hear HIM through the still small voice of the Holy Spirit, even while walking on the street. This is where I had real difficulty for some time due to doubt.

I believe a great number of Christians do hear God through the still small voice voice (knowingly or unknowingly). Most of us only need to grow in the ability to pick the signal when it comes and know that, "Oh, this is God speaking to me". The still small voice is spontaneous and rarely audible but pops up unexpectedly in the mind. Renewing the mind by dwelling in the Word of God will help a believer clear out every ungodly thought accumulation that may stand as hindrance to identifying the still small voice of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 12:2 KJV
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

For some, just as it was with me, doubt is the challenge. We grow up in a society where we've been conditioned to question everything. Our carnal intellect wants to prove everything by its own carnal measures before accepting them. A mind that first of all processes the voice of God and asks question like, "Is this really God or not?" will eventually experience difficulty knowing God's voice.

During my period of trial and failure trying to get used to identifying the still small voice of the Holy Spirit and getting rid of doubt, I once got so discouraged almost to the point of giving up; that I had to tell the LORD, "You have to speak to me through this still small voice and confirm it". Then the LORD spoke instantly. I was given lines of the first stanza of this ancient hymn:

1 God is always near me,
Hearing what I say,
Knowing all my thoughts and deeds,
All my work and play.
2 God is always near me:
In the darkest night,
He can see me just the same,
As by midday light.
3 God is always near me,
Though so young and small;
Not a look, or word, or thought,
But God knows it all.

This took place while I was praying. After I was done praying, I stepped out to buy something from a nearby shop. And to my surprise, I found this same hymn written on a piece of paper, laying on the street. I picked and read and was truly wowed at how God works. That was the confirmation that killed my doubt & gave me a great measure of faith in my ability to hear God through the still small voice. Saints, don't let doubt cloud your ability to hear God. When God is speaking, it goes against all odds. He puts an inner knowing in our spirit-man, bearing witness to us that we are hearing Him.

Since we are spirit beings, the truth is that we all hear voices in our spirit, either from GOD, the enemy or self. Man is a spirit being equipped with the ability to pick up voices coming from these three realms. Sadly, some Christians hear the enemy more than the voice of God. When the enemy tempts us to sin, he speaks to us, suggesting sin. How do we hear that? Temptations to sin start with suggestions in the mind. These suggestions normally come from the enemy. When some people are caught in a crime, you'll hear them make confessions like, "the devil pushed me to do it", "It's the handwork of the devil". How did they know? It's because they heard.

We are not expected to hear the voice of our flesh or that of the devil more than the voice of our Saviour. If we learn to tune out of these negative voices, we'll hear the voice of God with more clarity and precision.

John 10:27 KJV
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

How To Hear God's Voice (From A Personal Experience) 2

How To Hear God's Voice

When I stayed in the Word to have GOD speak to me through it, He did speak, but that was just a step forward. I was expected to take another leap forward by learning to hear HIM through the still small voice of the Holy Spirit, even while walking on the street. This is where I had real difficulty for some time due to doubt.

I believe a great number of Christians do hear God through the still small voice voice (knowingly or unknowingly). Most of us only need to grow in the ability to pick the signal when it comes and know that, "Oh, this is God speaking to me". The still small voice is spontaneous and rarely audible but pops up unexpectedly in the mind. Renewing the mind by dwelling in the Word of God will help a believer clear out every ungodly thought accumulation that may stand as hindrance to identifying the still small voice of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 12:2 KJV
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

For some, just as it was with me, doubt is the challenge. We grow up in a society where we've been conditioned to question everything. Our carnal intellect wants to prove everything by its own carnal measures before accepting them. A mind that first of all processes the voice of God and asks question like, "Is this really God or not?" will eventually experience difficulty knowing God's voice.

During my period of trial and failure trying to get used to identifying the still small voice of the Holy Spirit and getting rid of doubt, I once got so discouraged almost to the point of giving up; that I had to tell the LORD, "You have to speak to me through this still small voice and confirm it". Then the LORD spoke instantly. I was given lines of the first stanza of this ancient hymn:

1 God is always near me,
Hearing what I say,
Knowing all my thoughts and deeds,
All my work and play.
2 God is always near me:
In the darkest night,
He can see me just the same,
As by midday light.
3 God is always near me,
Though so young and small;
Not a look, or word, or thought,
But God knows it all.

This took place while I was praying. After I was done praying, I stepped out to buy something from a nearby shop. And to my surprise, I found this same hymn written on a piece of paper, laying on the street. I picked and read and was truly wowed at how God works. That was the confirmation that killed my doubt & gave me a great measure of faith in my ability to hear God through the still small voice. Saints, don't let doubt cloud your ability to hear God. When God is speaking, it goes against all odds. He puts an inner knowing in our spirit-man, bearing witness to us that we are hearing Him.

Since we are spirit beings, the truth is that we all hear voices in our spirit, either from GOD, the enemy or self. Man is a spirit being equipped with the ability to pick up voices coming from these three realms. Sadly, some Christians hear the enemy more than the voice of God. When the enemy tempts us to sin, he speaks to us, suggesting sin. How do we hear that? Temptations to sin start with suggestions in the mind. These suggestions normally come from the enemy. When some people are caught in a crime, you'll hear them make confessions like, "the devil pushed me to do it", "It's the handwork of the devil". How did they know? It's because they heard.

We are not expected to hear the voice of our flesh or that of the devil more than the voice of our Saviour. If we learn to tune out of these negative voices, we'll hear the voice of God with more clarity and precision.

John 10:27 KJV
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
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